What is the Difference Between Rock Mineral and Clay Mineral Powders?
In order to understand the action of clay in and on the body, it is important to first understand how Nature forms clay in the first place, giving true clays different properties compared to the rock materials they are derived from.
Get Vitamin D naturally without taking the supplemental form!
A functioning liver can store several months of sunshine and plant-based Vitamin D for wintertime use.
Possessing over 700 nutritional compounds, the therapeutic value of the pine tree has a longstanding reputation dating back thousands of years.
Both indigenous and modern civilizations have utilized the needles, bark, wood, cones, pollen, seeds, and the resinous sap of the pine tree for medicine, food, and wound healing.
Natural Wisdom & Real World Answers
(Video & Transcript)
If You Have a Strong Immune System, Do You Really Need an Immunization?
The following formulas are referenced because they each provide support for the human immune system in various ways.
Herbs and clays that help keep the detox channels clear, accelerate the release of toxins from the cells, tissues, and organs, and protect the body from detox reactions.
The Numerous Benefits of Strong Adrenals and How to Quickly Restore Them Back to Health!
Clay Baths, Foot Baths, Clay Packs, Body Wraps, Facials, All Night Foot Packs, as a Deodorant and as a Shampoo.
How to use these two
precious gifts from Nature!
The Effectiveness of Whole Earthen Resources and Cautions Surrounding Iodine, Baking Soda, and Chelation Therapy
Composed of some of Nature's most effective health-building herbs and clays, Stamina! is foundational to any health protocol.
The 7 Primary Causes of Physical Discomfort and Their Solutions
Grasp the Power of Whole Earthen Resources to Build Health Naturally
Nature has not abandoned us. There are solutions among earthen resources to virtually every malady, even man-made ones.
10 Key Aspects of a Comprehensive Detoxification & Restoration Protocol
Cayenne Pepper is One of Nature's Most Remarkable Natural Remedies Possessing a Wide Range of Fast-Acting Upgrades to Your Health
Strong, Effective Detoxification with the Advantages of Earthen Source Mineral Nutrition for Younger Looking Skin and a Healthier Body
Cayenne Pepper is One of Nature's Most Remarkable Natural Remedies With a Wide Range of Fast Acting Health Benefits
Is There More to the Picture Than We’ve Been Told?
The following is a comment/response answer to an insightful post by FringeScientist on the Curezone Forum questioning the trustworthiness of clay baths.
The post was made close to 8 years ago. Someone else recently found the post and asked me about it, since at the end I am mentioned personally in the post.
Michael's Personal Story Discovering the Natural Secrets of Whole Earthen Resources
Over 10 Ways to Use Sacred Clay for Health Maintenance
Clay & water are the most ancient health remedies of all time for both human and animal. It is my belief that they will be among the ultimate remedies of the future as well.