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Sacred Clay and Black Beauty Bath & Facial Additive for Detoxification & Anti-Aging

July 20, 2021 6 min read

Strong, Effective Detoxification with the Advantages of Earthen Source Mineral Nutrition for Younger Looking Skin and a Healthier Body

Sacred Clay

Clay is known world wide for its extraordinary powers for improving beauty and skin condition. It will draw toxins and impurities from the skin leaving it healthier, younger looking, and more alive.

Silica Content

Sacred Clay is 50-65% silica. In the body, silica is utilized to form collagen. About 25% of our bodies' protein is collagen. Collagen is very important because it is a major structural protein, forming molecular cables that strengthen tendons and the vast, resilient sheets of tissue that support the skin and internal organs.

Silica provides strength, flexibility, and resilience to connective tissues. It promotes the regeneration of skin, improving its youthful appearance. 

With sufficient silica in the body at the time of an injury, (or applied to the wound quickly), it is possible for wounds to heal without a scar (or with less scaring).

Silica is also involved in bonding together protein molecules that retain moisture in the skin, joints (synovial fluids), and cells.

Silica is part of the protective coating around the nerves within the brain and throughout the body. Silica is essential for strengthening your nails, teeth, and hair. 

Silica also works in the body as a natural anti-inflammatory. 

Silica plays a role in balancing minerals in the body like calcium and magnesium, and is therefore involved in hormone production and regulation.

Sacred Clay,being high in silica, does a wonderful job of softening the skin giving us a younger, healthier appearance.

Detox Power

Clay is known worldwide for its extraordinary powers for detoxifying heavy metals, chemicals, petroleum, radiation and other impurities from the body.

There is no gentler or more enjoyable way to draw these impurities from your body than in a luxurious bath with Sacred Clay and the Black Beauty Bath & Facial Additive.

The Sacred Clay is an extremely fine particle clay with powerful detoxification capacity. 

The Black Beauty Bath & Facial Additive ingredients include:

  • Ocean Magnesium Flakes

  • Epsom Salt (earthen source)

  • Sacred Clay (to absorb moisture if the Magnesium Flakes melt)

  • Himalayan Salt

  • Humic/Fulvic Earth

  • Activated Charcoal

  • Vitallite

  • Ormalite.

Sacred Clay is rich in electrolytes, silica, macro & trace minerals, providing it with a strong magnetic attraction for the drawing out of heavy metals, chemicals, petroleum products, and radiation.

Black Beauty Bath & Facial Additive

Ocean Magnesium Flakes provide a naturally occurring source of magnesium and trace minerals that are readily taken up through the pores of your skin. Drawn into the body through the skin prevents the discomfort of laxative effects common to magnesium taken internally. Magnesium is one of the most important electrolytes for optimal physical health.

Epsom Salt is magnesium sulphate, both of which are electrolytes and essential for may metabolic processes in the body, including detoxification.   

Humic & Fulvic Earth is the basis of the dark coloration of the bath water. Humic & Fulvic Earth is derived from the decomposition of an ancient forest and vegetative matter millions of years ago, and is recognized as a potent cellular detoxifier.

Enhanced with Sacred Clay, the two earthen sources bond with heavy metals, chemicals, radiation, and other toxins, converting them into harmless components or mineral compounds.

These are two of Nature's most effective transformative agents utilizing natural processes commonly found in good organic soil.

It is largely due to the humic and fulvic acids in combination with the rich silica and high electrolyte content of the Sacred Clay that produce the strong magnetic attraction to toxins as a form of chelation.

Himalayan Salt adds additional electrolytes to the water along with additional trace minerals. Electrolytes provide the ions necessary for the movement of toxins & nutrients into and out of the cell through the membranes.

An abundance of electrolytes speeds the removal of heavy metals, chemicals, petroleum byproducts, viruses, bacteria, the reduction of fungus, and numerous other toxins into the Sacred Clay infused within the bath water.

Activated Charcoal is well known for it detoxifying properties and is added to the blend to increase its absorptive powers to neutralize toxins as they leave your body.

Vitallite Clay is an ormus-bearing clay that specializes in revitalizing tired muscles while supporting balanced hormone expression.

Ormalite Clay provides ormus nourishment for the DNA, cells, brain, nerves and hormonal system. It provides the body with the very nutrients most capable of building youth and vitality - monatomic elements (single atom elements of gold, silver, platinum, rhodium, iridium, etc.).

What you experience is simply a relaxing, luxurious bath. Enjoy the soothing of sore muscles, the easing of the day's stress, the calming of restless muscles and an active mind. Feel nourished and cleansed at deep levels.

Enjoy deep, restful sleep following a Sacred Clay & Black Beauty bath.

Recommended Use: Just add 1/4 cup of Sacred Clay and 1/8 cup of Black Beauty to your bath water and stir. The water will soon turn dark brown due to the presence of the humics in the water. Soak for 30-60 minutes, or as long as desired.

Recommended Bath Frequency for Regular Detox Maintenance: 1-3 baths per week.

Therapeutic frequency can be as much as 1-2 baths per day during a crisis, or 4-7 times per week until desired health goals have been achieved. Bathing every day in Sacred Clay and Black Beauty is safe and gentle on the body.

More intense detoxification can be accomplished by simply increasing the quantity of Sacred Clay and Black Beauty in the bath water.


Manna Mist

Manna Mist is the same as the Ormalite water only in a mister bottle for convenient application. Manna Mist contains a concentrated water extract of the Ormalite Clay which is exceptionally rich in angstrom or M-state elements.

The Manna Mist spray nourishes and hydrates the skin and produces remarkably quick improvements in skin inflammations, cuts and rashes.

Spritzing the face with Manna Mist is a refreshing way moisturize the skin and protect the face from sunburn, toxins, air pollutants, even chapped lips or blemished skin. Safe for spraying around the eyes.

How to Use Sacred Clay and Black Beauty Bath & Facial Additive:

The benefits of Sacred Clayand Black Beautycan be easily accessed in a number of applications, including:


Mix to a thick paste at a ratio of:
  • 16 to 1 between the Sacred Clay and the Black Beauty dry powders – 2 Tbsp of Sacred Clay to 1 teaspoon of Black Beauty)

  • and 2 to 1 between the dry powder and water (or coconut oil) – 2 Tbsp of Sacred Clay/Black Beauty to 1 Tbsp plus a teaspoon of water or oil.

Before applying the facial mix, and additional benefit can be added by spritzing the face first with Manna Mist before applying the facial mixture.

To keep the facial moist for as long as desired you can mist the clay from time to time with Manna Mist or water (unless oil is used).

This clay mask does not have to dry to be effective. Moist is better.

Clay Poultice

Mix to a thick paste (2-1 ratio - 1 cup (240 ml) of clay to 1/2 cup (120 ml) of water) and spread the clay mixture onto the desired areas 1/4 to 1/2 inch (6-12 mm) thick. Keep moist with a spritzer bottle or a slightly damp cloth or gauze (use a throw away cloth since the clay may discolor the cloth).

Wrap in plastic or Saran Wrap to hold together and to keep moisture in. Leave on for as long as desired, 20 minutes to overnight. Longer tends to produce more profound results.

Foot Bath

Use 2 tablespoons of Sacred Clay and 1 tablespoon of Black Beauty added to a small tub of water. Soak your tired feet for 20-40 minutes or more (while watching a movie, reading a book, etc.).

Electric Foot Bath

Best to use only the Sacred Clay (since the Black Beauty has salt in it and may raise the electrical activity in the water beyond the desirable setting.) Gauge the additional salt carefully (due to the natural electrical charge of Sacred Clay). Increases the detoxification potency of the foot bath experience.

All Night Foot Poultice

Drawing from a popular European practice, an All Night Foot Poultice can serve as an excellent accelerator to any detox/rebuild program. Mix the Sacred Clay and Black Beauty according to the facial instructions, only increase the amounts to double or triple.

Spread the mixture over both feet, top and bottom, approximately 1/8 to 1/4 inch (3-6 mm) thick. Slip a plastic bag or zip lock bag, over each foot, (or wrap in saran wrap) to hold moisture in.

Put socks on to hold it all together and go to bed. The next morning, unwrap in the tub or shower and rinse off.

Enjoy the lighter, zestier feeling, increasing with each All Night Foot Poultice. Excellent for reducing excess swelling and detoxing the body all through the night.

Are Sacred Clay and Black Beauty safe for Septic and City Drains?

Sacred Clay and Black Beauty are not only safe for your septic and for city drains, they are exceptionally beneficial. The Humic/Fulvic Earth in Black Beauty help break down debris and convert solid waste (similar to what happens in your compost pile that is loaded with humic/fulvic acids).

Sacred Clay absorbs chemical toxins that may interfere with the breakdown of matter, and encourages beneficial bacterial growth, while reducing unwanted fungal growth.

Bathwater Helps Make Your Plants Grow

You may, if you wish, toss the spent water of your baths onto your garden, house plants, and lawn. Makes an excellent plant growth enhancer due to the beneficial biology it promotes in the soil and nutrients it provides to the plants.

Michael King
Michael King

Michael King is a Life Enrichment Consultant, a natural intuitive, a researcher of Nature's most powerful healing resources the world over, the author of "Detoxify, Nourish & Build – Three Essentials for Vibrant Health", the Vital Health News Updates – a periodic newsletter documenting the most life-building natural resources on the planet, The Blessing Transformation, and the co-author of Life Chats with Oversoul – an ongoing dialogue designed to gain clarity and direction while navigating the immense changes going into the New Era. Michael is also an advocate of sustainable gardening, environmental responsibility, and an architect of ways to increase global food production.

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