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My Personal Prevention and Recovery Protocol for Long COVID and Other Maladies

February 27, 2023 14 min read

Video Summary and Discussion of the Following Article (52 min)

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10 Key Aspects of a Comprehensive Detoxification & Restoration Protocol

Nature has not abandoned us. There are solutions among earthen resources to virtually every malady, even man-made ones.

It deeply saddens me to hear of the experiences of family, friends, and clients whose lives have been drastically altered, ended, or compromised in some fashion by recent medical interventions.

On top of the chronic illness and deaths, divisiveness between friends and families have taken its toll on virtually every family I have spoken with, my own included. Yet this will not last long. The world is waking up to the reality of the con.

And there is hope. Nature has not abandoned us. There are solutions among earthen resources to virtually every malady, even man-made ones.

However, in order to obtain success we will need to meet Nature’s requirements regarding our unique condition and situation.

If we fail to meet all of the conditions or in the right timing, our success may only be partial, but from this we will learn and grow.

Yet if we want total success at turning around what is now being called “Long COVID” symptoms (which is little more than the body’s response to an overload of toxins, or side effects from the shots, side effects from nasal swab tests, or side effects from being exposed to someone who has had these), then there are a few basic key points to pay attention to.

I will outline these key points first and mention a few products that I take to address each of the key areas, then, in my next article, I will discuss a common sense 1st Strike Protocol that is my initial approach during any time of physiological stress or illness, regardless of its nature.

But first, if you want to see graphic evidence of the condition of your blood before and after any protocol, I recommend a live blood analysis. This seems to be the best way to monitor improvements.

Live Blood and Dry Blood Microscopy

There are many around the country that do Live Blood and Dry Blood Microscopy. I recommend searching for one in your local area to get an assessment.

Much can be seen from a drop of blood from a single pin prick to the finger. That's all it takes. This is not a full blood panel, it is just a visual examination of an "in the moment" live and dry blood samples.

I know of several individuals who have taken the "medical solution for a virus", or taken one or more nasal swab tests (that also contain the serum), that utilized some simple, widely available health protocols (like clay, pine tea, and cayenne pepper, among other natural resources) to reverse their side effects within a few days or weeks.

Among those who have also taken live blood analysis before and after a general detoxification protocol, they have seen their blood analysis show significant improvements (providing the diet is in line as well, and cell phone or EMF exposure is minimal). 

Another tool that will provide an insight into the overall state of your health, as well as identify possible contributing factors to any long COVID condition, is checking for Bluetooth addresses on your phone.

Do You Have A Personal Bluetooth MAC Address?

To test for your current contamination status, once you are 20 or more feet away from any Bluetooth device, open up Bluetooth addresses on your phone.

A personal Bluetooth MAC address will look something like this: AE: 27: O5: 24: DF: C4.

If you see a Bluetooth MAC address, and you are alone, then this is your personal MAC address. Your cell phone is picking up a signal from within your body.

You then know the bots inside are still actively transmitting. If not, then your body has likely dismantled them, or some of them, or even better, you never received them (90+% of the early shots were mostly saline solution).

Yet the heavy metal and chemical contaminants from any form of medical treatment will still need to be detoxified if you want to experience ideal energy levels again.

Metallic particles can also be ingested through certain common food sources today.

Are Your Animal Products Magnetic?

If you purchase animal products from the grocery store, eat at fast food restaurants, (or any restaurant for that matter), or buy packaged food from large corporate producers, you may want to consider bringing a small, lightweight refrigerator magnet with you to test the meats, chicken, pork, and any other product that may be contaminated by graphene or other heavy metals.

It is known that such contaminants are being fed to some of the big corporation livestock and are easily identified with a lightweight refrigerator magnet.  

The same contaminants are also being added to prepackaged foods, including bakery goods, and fast foods, as well as the current new meat replacement burgers, etc.

Because they tend to come in boxes, they cannot be tested until you open the box and place a magnet directly on the food itself.

If you have close access to the animal product, and notice that your lightweight magnet sticks to the product, (as has been proven to do so on many of the name brands items), then you may want to find a reliable locally-grown source for that product.

You can also test your own body to see if the food you have eaten in the past, or medications you have taken, have made your own body magnetic as well. 

In such a case, or for simple reasons of wanting to clean house for good measure, the following suggestions are designed to help do just that:

10 Key Aspects of a Comprehensive Detoxification & Restoration Protocol

1 – Imagine the Successful Accomplishment of Your Goals

2 – Hydrate the Body with Pure Structured Water

3 – Detoxify the Body in 5 Different Ways

4 – Improve Blood and Lymph Circulation 

5 – Boost the Immune System

6 – Build a Powerful Digestive System 

7 – Improve the Diet and Add Alkalizing Superfoods

8 – Oxygenate and Energize 

9 – Spend More Time in Nature, Absorb Sunlight, Ground to the Earth Daily

10 – Perform Periodic Fasts 

The following outline is the step-by-step general approach I take to resolve any and all conditions, regardless of their nature:

1 – Imagine the Successful Accomplishment of Your Goals

  • Imagine the desired end result of health, energy, mental clarity, focus, happiness, and a vibrantly alive feeling inside.

  • This image will set the tone for the best solutions tailored for your unique situation to be drawn to you magnetically.

  • Use this positive creative activity as the focal point of meditation and inner healing.

      Then Engage in Personal Inner Healing Work

  • The purpose is to clear the mental and emotional connections to the choices we have made and the health conditions that develop from them.

  • Negative, fear-based emotions point to a limited opinion about self and others, thus leading to choices and behavior that degrade our health.

  • Spend time in contemplation with the intent to learn from past actions and improve on future choices.

  • Forgive yourself. Drop the self-judgment and simply grow from your mistakes. Make inner adjustments and move forward.

  • Recognize that what we experience and what we see in others is a reflection of some part of ourselves, and what others experience in the same event is a reflection of their own inner self, thus their own responsibility.

  • Taking this more constructive approach will deliver tremendous rewards in terms of physical and psychological health!

  • Some effective ways that I use daily to transform my inner stuff:

2 – Hydrate the Body with Pure Structured Water

  • Water is critical to practically every metabolic function in the body. Acquire the most pure, most highly charged water you can find.

  • There are many ways to structure water, from simply shaking and swirling a jar of water, and blessing the water, to using a number of additives or gadgets.

    • Consume 1/2 to 3/4 gallon over the course of the day (prior to meals, not after) to hydrate and flush toxins out of the body that have been stirred up from the above detox therapies.

    • My two favorite water restructuring additives are: 
    • My favorite water purification/body oxygenation source is:

    3 – Detox the Body in 5 Different Ways

    It goes without saying, that any well-rounded detoxification program will also include reducing environmental pollution exposure where ever possible.

    • This includes chemical, metal, mold, and EMF exposure, scented laundry products, body soaps and shampoos, perfumes and colognes, household chemical cleaning products, etc.

    • It also includes chemical fertilizers, insecticides, and herbicides in our farm and garden growing practices.

    • Carefully weigh any medical advice or treatment against the risks of adding more poisons to your system, given that the allopathic and dental models fundamentally rely on chemical and metal toxins that are diametrically opposed to the Natural Order of Life.  

    • Added chemicals, sugar, metals, and rancid fats can be found in many packaged meats, in all fast foods, canned and boxed foods, and the new meatless food products from the large suppliers.

    • Avoid them. They will only slow down your progress, or further endanger your health. Most restaurants use them as well.  

    Beyond that, here are 5 areas of importance to pay attention to related to a thorough detoxification program: 

    1) Internal Detoxification

    Detoxification of the liver, bowels, blood, lymph, and deep regions of the organ, muscle, and bone tissues with herbal, clay, humate, and mineral therapeutic formulas.

    2) Heavy Metal Detoxification

    My favorite heavy metal and chemical chelators are:

    3) External Detoxification

    Detoxification of the skin, scalp, feet, and specific organs using Sacred Clay packs, clay body slurries, or clay baths.

    4) Sweat Therapy

    Infrared sauna, steam sauna, hot clay bath coupled with circulatory  diaphoretic (sweat inducing) stimulants like ginger tea or cayenne pepper in food or beverage).

    5) Exercise

    Mini-tramp, walking, running, aerobic, swimming, biking, yoga, qigong, etc. to help keep the lymphatic system clear and the energies high.

        4 – Improve Blood & Lymph Circulation 

        • Heart and circulatory stimulants like ginger, cayenne, black pepper, hawthorn berry, prickly ash, wood betony, spilanthes, echinacea, rosemary, and other herbs improve delivery of nutrients, oxygen, and immune system response mechanisms throughout the blood and in the cells more efficiently.

        • Exercise, like walking, jogging, yoga, qigong, and mini tramp work, help to move the lymph and prevent swollen, congested lymph glands from detox overload. 

          5 – Boost the Immune System

          • Certain medicinal herbs like turmeric, sage, thyme, rosemary, oregano, cumin, fennel, anise, licorice root, medicinal mushrooms, and the entire mint family enhance the immune system’s ability to fight off invading pathogens and reset the internal biological terrain when the diet is compromised through poor food choices or exposure to toxins.

          • Licorice root, in moderation, helps to reduce allergic reactions (too much licorice weakens adrenal output, so limit it to 1/8-1/4 tsp of the root powder 2-3 times per day).

          • Your immune system is dependent upon a working liver, spleen, the hormonal glands, bone marrow, functioning kidneys, and a clean digestive tract.

          • Pay close attention to herbs and clays that detox and support these organs and glands – especially the liver, the spleen, the heart, adrenals, and the reproductive organs (the most targeted organs by certain elements within the serums).

          6 – Build a Powerful Digestive System

          • Bitter herbs and digestive spices accomplish this quite effectively. Lemon, oregano, thyme, cinnamon, cardamom, fennel, anise, cumin, dandelion, hawthorn berry, bitter fruits, and turmeric are just a few common examples.

          • My favorite formulas for these purposes:

          7 – Improve the Diet and Add Alkalizing Superfoods

          • In most cases where the body develops a cold or flu, there is a dietary aspect that contributed to, or caused, the condition.

          • This is the first place to look when trying to figure out what weakened the body to the point of being unable to fight symptoms off any more.

          • More often than not, acidity, often from coffee, concentrated sugars, citrus fruits (including tomatoes), flesh foods, or dairy are behind the sudden turn toward sickness.

          • Nuts, seeds, and nut or seed butters are another common contributing factor (due to their high arginine content that trigger EBV, herpes, shingles, tooth inflammations, etc.).

          • A quality diet gives us strength to fight off an overload of external toxins. A poor diet diminishes our ability manage them. There is always room for improvements in the diet. OK, So What Foods CAN I Eat?

          • The purpose of alkalizing superfoods is to restore an alkaline pH, improve the biological terrain, and to maintain a grand storehouse of nutrients for the body to select from so it can readily create its own medicines. 

          • Consume nutrient-dense plants everyday, like alfalfa, nettle leaf and seed, moringa, and sea vegetables.

          • Thinning the blood with sea vegetables, ginger, garlic, and cayenne helps reduce the blood clotting that is so prevalent today.

          8 – Oxygenate and Energize

          • Deep breathing, toning sounds, humming, and contemplation are powerful transformative tools that boost immune system powers and release subconscious, self-defeating patterns within minutes.

          • Deep breathing, followed by lengthy periods of time after an exhale of quiet contemplation without breathing in, works wonders in terms of oxygenating, alkalizing, and vitalizing the body while releasing stagnant energy miasmas held inside by mistaken beliefs, traumas, and harmful attitudes toward self and others.

          • Deep breathing with inner contemplation is also one of the simplest and most powerful ways to boost your body’s immune response capabilities.

          • Process and heal the inner memories and expectations until a deeper understanding and gratitude are the primary emotions remaining. 

          • Deep breathing and contemplation are also ways of drawing in foundational life energies (prana) that heal, enlighten, and nourish the body in ways that even quality food is unable to do. 

                Qigong, Yoga & Breathwork

          • The practice of qigong and yoga, in combination with rhythmic breath, directs and circulates the pranic life force throughout the body. Many conditions can be healed with this practice alone with a few simple clearing and vitalizing practices coupled with deliberate intention.

          • It is particularly helpful to practice qigong or yoga barefoot on the soil or grass, coupled with deep breathing (weather permitting).

          • The electrical grounding and energizing effect of qigong and yoga (even when practiced indoors) works wonders to vitalize the blood, stimulate meridian flow, and raise electric voltage throughout the body (which are critical for prevention and full recovery alike). 

          • One simple energizing qigong practice is to stand or sit, then with arms down by the sides in any comfortable position, place the left palm facing up, and the right palm facing down to the earth. 

          • Hold this position for 5 minutes or longer as you practice deep full breaths with occasional pauses after the exhale, choosing not to inhale until you feel a strong need to breathe again (10-30 seconds, for example). 

          • Visualize fresh prana (universal life energy) flow into your left palm, flow all around and through your body, then out through your right palm into the earth as you exhale.

          • This simple practice recharges the life forces within the body, clears out old, stagnant prana, and builds foundational energy.

          9 – Spend More Time in Nature, Ground to the Earth Daily, Absorb Sunlight

          • Spend time in the sun and fresh air. Stand on the grass sock-footed or barefooted for 5 or more minutes each day to drain static energy from the body and absorb beneficial earth energy.

          • Absorb sunlight by facing the sun with eyes closed (when it is too bright). Sunlight contains over 900,000 frequencies of light, each with its own beneficial purpose.

          • Breathe in prana (chi, adamantine particles, reiki, universal life energy, etc.) which is the basis of all energetic and material existence. Prana, guided by your intention and breath, can construct any and all material nutrients that the body requires to sustain health.

          • Ground to the earth. Absorb beneficial energy from the earth. This energy exchange is a form of pranic circulation. Clear static energy from the body by sending it into the earth for recycling. Absorb prana from the trees and soil to strengthen and ground physical energies.

          10 – Perform Periodic Fasts  

          • Reduced food intake has benefits of conserving physical energy for repair and the elimination of excesses.

          • When superfood blends and clay mineral drinks are consumed during a moderated food fast (like for instance, just fruit, potatoes, soups, and salads with avocado), then there is little loss of mental focus or physical strength, yet the cleansing and upbuilding continues.

          • The small assortment of foods selected can vary from person to person based on unique conditions, but the cornerstone of a moderated food fast is the superfood blends and herbal formulas.

          • Intermittent fasting can also be incorporated, if desired, to increase autophagy and cellular cleansing.

          • What is eliminated during such a fast are the hard to digest or congesting foods like sugar, meat, dairy, eggs, nuts, trans fats, excessive oils, etc.)

          • The green superfood blends and clay mineral drinks satisfy the nutritional requirements needed for detoxification, cellular replication, brain and muscle activity, etc. Yet the restriction of food excesses, junk foods, hard to digest foods, etc. give the body’s digestive system the rest it needs to clean house and restore balance. 

          • There are many other more restrictive ways of fasting (like water fasts and dry fasts), if one is drawn to do so and can take time out of a busy schedule for going that route. 

          • Yet I am finding, after doing several kinds of fasts, (like dry fasts, water fasts, fruit fasts, intermittent fasts, etc.) that a moderated food fast with superfood blends, herbal formulas, and clay mineral drinks provide the ability to function while delivering massive numbers of nutrients to the cells for all the important tasks of life.

          • The body is built up the whole time without a loss of energy or mental capacity, given that the quality of foods taken in are nutrient-dense and are easy to digest.

          • Combine a superfood fast with pranic breathing, and clay baths or body slurries, and the body will readily cleanse, as it restores balance and rejuvenates.

          As an example, I recently spent 10 days doing this kind of moderated food fast, and due to the rain and snow soon to begin, and my usual help being unavailable, I had to single-handedly move the equivalent of about 15 tons of clay material over the course of 4 days in the middle of my 10 day moderated food-superfood fast.

          I was successful at this task, and it only took 2 days to recover because my body was not having to divert much energy to the digestion of more dense foods. Muscle regeneration was easily performed by the body. 

          No caffeine was required the entire time (I have been off coffee for over 2 years and caffeinated beverages for 1.5 years now), as I was amply supplied with energy from Stamina!, VitalliteMineral MannaEnergy & Brain PowerAdaptogen & Mushroom BlendRevitalize for Men, herbal teas (with a focus on Pine Tea and Jiaogulan (for nitric oxide), nettle leaf and nettle seed), home grown figs, apples, potatoes, coupled with a small amount of coconut and olive oils, avocado, and spices, especially cayenne pepper, (along with the practice of qigong). 

          My energy levels were then higher overall than previous to the fast, so much so that I decided, after a 10 day recovery period, to repeat the fast going another 21 days.

          Needless to say I lost 10 lbs. during the first fast (due to the extra physical activity), and 6 more lbs. during the second 21 day fast, but started gaining weight again half way through the 21 days without changing the food routine.

          Being thin to begin with, and not needing to lose weight, I was not expecting to lose this much, but it provided an excellent cleansing effect, and a month later has fully returned to my usual weight.

          The net effect of the experience is that my health has taken another step up, and energy levels have improved even more.


          I cannot say enough about the power of Cayenne Pepper (or other hot peppers), adaptogenic herbs, clay minerals, and pine needle tea to facilitate any kind of recovery, as long as you remain alkaline in your dietary choices and moderate in the fat, fruit, and protein areas.

          For the best overall health results, the focus of a regular daily diet will primarily center around the satiating starchy carbs like potatoes, squash, quinoa, rice (limit due to its overly congesting nature), and beans, with minors in fruits, coconut and olive oils, dairy (if tolerated), eggs, and proteins (some, but not excessive), preferably vegetable proteins like avocados, mushrooms, algae, and seaweeds.

          Of course it goes without saying, that if your goal is to accelerate progress. it will be important to eliminate sugar, recreational substances, alcohol, and caffeine in the diet (all of which inhibit conscious evolution and depress the immune system, as will any addiction).

          Most of these suggestions are inexpensive and readily available in the herbal kingdom (like pine needles), or can be grown (like parsley, cilantro, potatoes, figs, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, etc.).

          We simply have to learn more of the herbal world that our ancestors relied upon long before the toxic medical profession came into existence.

          My favorite motto is: “Question science, trust Nature”.

          Blessings of health and success,
          Enjoy the simple gifts from Nature!

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          To obtain a tailored dietary and herbal program that meets your specific needs, give our office a call to set up a Private Consultation (541-482-9633; 888-325-1475), or visit our website where you will find a selection of natural products and numerous articles on a variety of topics related to health, inner healing, and spiritual development.

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          Michael King

          Michael King is a Life Enrichment Consultant, a natural intuitive, a researcher of Nature's most powerful healing resources the world over, the author of "Detoxify, Nourish & Build – Three Essentials for Vibrant Health", the Vital Health News Updates – a periodic newsletter documenting the most life-building natural resources on the planet, The Blessing Transformation, and the co-author of Life Chats with Oversoul – an ongoing dialogue designed to gain clarity and direction while navigating the immense changes going into the New Era. Michael is also an advocate of sustainable gardening, environmental responsibility, and an architect of ways to increase global food production.

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