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The Pros and Cons of Nutritional Supplements

March 22, 2023 4 min read

How to Get Thousands of Nutritional Compounds in a Single Tablespoon! (1 min video intro) 

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What to Look For and What to Avoid 

What is the ideal food for the human body?

1. The human body was made from:

a. the dust, or clay, of the earth

b. water

c. sunshine

d. and air

2. Therefore, the body's most suitable sources of food and medicine would also be these same sources of life-giving nutrients - along with things grown from them - herbs, fruits, nuts, sea vegetables, moss, flowers, pollens, etc.

Whole Earthen Supplements

1. Whole earthen means sources of food, minerals, herbs, salts, pollens and sea vegetables in forms as close to their original state as possible (the way Nature provided them to us - unheated, un-dissected, un-concentrated, and unaltered to every degree practical).

a. clay

b. seaweed

c. algae

d. herbs

e. pollen

f. mountain spring water at the source

g. evergreen forest, ionized air

h. berries, nuts, fruit, spices, grains, vegetables, etc.

Isolated Nutritional Supplements

1. These are developed in laboratories where wild or cultivated foods are analyzed, dissected, stripped, heated, broken apart, concentrated, chemically contaminated, deodorized, manipulated, chemically synthesized, or otherwise altered.

2. It is common to separate out small isolated components of a plant, mineral source, or other natural substance into a vitamin, a mineral, a plant compound, an enzyme, an amino acid, a hormone, etc. and concentrate it, or make a synthetic chemical compound similar to the extracted one.

3. These are called isolates.

4. Isolates are not natural substances because they are stripped of their brother and sister nutritional compounds and the natural context of the original earthen source.

5. Isolates can cause serious imbalancing influences when consumed due to the absence of the many supportive compounds that Nature knew were necessary in the original source in order to produce the most beneficial effect on the body.

Whole Earthen Resources are Created Multi-dimensional - Isolates are Singular.

1. A clay contains macro minerals, trace minerals, monoatomic (angstrom) elements, rare earths, isotopes, geomagnetic influences, beneficial bacteria, humates, etheric and other multidimensional influences.

2. Kirilian photography reveals that if you cut a leaf in half the energy signature of the absent half remains with the leaf, revealing the etheric quality of the leaf.

3. What else did Nature build into the plant that our analytical gadgets cannot yet observe?

4. How important to human physiology are those unidentified, multidimensional aspects?

The Impact of Isolates vs. Earthen Resources on Human Physiology

1. When a vitamin C isolate, like ascorbic acid, enters the human body, its influence is limited to the impact that vitamin C, by itself, has on the organs, glands, and chemical processes of the body.

2. When an earthen resource, like the vitamin C-rich amalaki berry, enters the body, with all of its multidimensional aspects, (of which there could be hundreds or even thousands within some foods or herbs), the whole body is effected in a multitude of ways that Nature knew would best support the influence of vitamin C in the body.

3. Every organ and gland, and every chemical process that requires vitamin C in a variety of ways will be supported when the whole herbs is used in place of the isolate.

4. Supportive minerals, bioflavonoids, and other phytonutrients have been built into the berry by Nature (that are now missing in the isolated ascorbic acid).

5. Unique supportive compounds required by a particular organ or gland to improve the body's biological terrain is supplied by the earthen resource, but not by the ascorbic acid.

6. As a result, ascorbic acid depletes important minerals and other nutrients from the body (in the body's attempt to rebalance an inherently imbalanced substance).

7. 5 billion years of the Earth's product development wisdom went into the making of this berry, whereas most laboratories are less than 50 years old, and medical science of today is less than 300 years old (mere infants in comparison). Whom do you trust more?

Nature has Earned Our Trust

1. Laboratories that use isolated hormones, vitamins and minerals are building imbalances into their products. Can you really create physical health and balance from something that is inherently imbalanced?

2. Nature instinctively seeks a state of balance - and passes that balance on to you through the natural resources that you consume.

3. Even if the required state of a plant or your body changes from year to year (due, for example to geophysical changes or changes of consciousness on the planet), if we consume wild foods, the nutrition they provide will help our bodies keep up with the changes.

4. Nature will have already changed the wild food chemical composition to suit our immediate needs.

What to Avoid in a Nutritional Supplement

1. Isolated nutritional compounds (Vitamin A, B, C... Cal-Mag, CoQ10, HRT, glandulars, DHEA, along with hundreds of others like them.). These are best reserved for short term therapeutic purposes or crisis management.

2. Highly concentrated herbal extracts (especially anything beyond a 5-1 concentration)

3. Chemical look-alike synthetic lab creations

4. Concentrated sweeteners of all kinds including "organic" pure cane sugar, stevia drops, the white stevia powder, agave, maple syrup (a boiled concentrate)

What to Look for in a Nutritional Supplement

1. Whole earthen resources. Herbs, clays, humates, sea vegetables, fruits, vegetables, etc. grown without chemicals in soils rich in microbes, minerals, and broken down vegetative matter called 'humus'. 

2. Get to know your local farmers and ask how they are growing their food and enriching their soils.

Multiple Herbs in a Formula

1. Due to an inherent tendency of Nature to harmonize with and balance opposing forces, a complement of herbs are safer and more effective than a single herb.

2. Multiple herb formulas require less of each herb to be effective due to the synergy established from the combination.

3. Formulating combinations of herbs requires knowledge, experience, and a keen intuitive sense.

4. Nature, then, will generate the harmony and the synergy.

5. In this manner, we co-create with Nature, and thereby form an even greater beneficial effect. 

Many blessings of health and success,
Enjoy the many gifts from Nature!

Michael King
Michael King

Michael King is a Life Enrichment Consultant, a natural intuitive, a researcher of Nature's most powerful healing resources the world over, the author of "Detoxify, Nourish & Build – Three Essentials for Vibrant Health", the Vital Health News Updates – a periodic newsletter documenting the most life-building natural resources on the planet, The Blessing Transformation, and the co-author of Life Chats with Oversoul – an ongoing dialogue designed to gain clarity and direction while navigating the immense changes going into the New Era. Michael is also an advocate of sustainable gardening, environmental responsibility, and an architect of ways to increase global food production.

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