I began my life with severe adrenal fatigue, among many other health conditions.
My mother was diabetic and my father was hypoglycemic. Both were major sugar consumers, and so was I during my first 25 years of life, then less so later as I explored several "natural" sugar alternatives (most of which are also not supportive of adrenal, pancreatic, and general hormonal health, due simply to the fact that they are sugar concentrates, thus disruptive to the human biological terrain).
It has taken over 70 years of life experience and an avid search for solutions to come up with what you are about to read.
What is shared, is shared from personal experience, decades of research, and a lot of trial & error.
As we age we tend to get more sensitive to dietary compromises, yet due to the application of the following principles, I have grown less reactive to some foods, yet more aware of when a food or food combination is taking me down a notch.
I count these as blessings, for, even though I am slow at times to make changes, I am healthier, sleep well, can work long hours, and have more energy from the program outlined below. The program has created such a contrast between what is good for me and what is not, that it has become easier to take that next step up when i'm ready.
When the medical profession failed me back in High School (2 years on antibiotics for acne) leaving me far worse in health, energy, and memory than before, I began a search for answers.
The doctor back then, in reference to diet, simply said don't eat fish or chocolate. Nothing was said about sugar, peanut butter, white bread, pasteurized butter, or breakfast cereals loaded with sugar (and who knows what else), which was the mainstay of my diet, mixed with fast food and some veggies dishes from home.
Years later, after finally connecting the dots, it is the memory of this experience, and the observation of the deteriorating health of those in my family that went to doctors and took their meds, that drove me to look for answers in natural health.
I lived with insomnia, poor memory, digestive problems, throat and sinus congestion, frequent infections, caffeine addiction, low blood sugar, loss of drive and ambition, chronic fatigue, depression, heart and spleen dysfunction, sluggish circulation, loss of libido, prostate issues, sensitivity to cold, poor immune response, reclusiveness, and high to low hormonal swings during my entire formative years and into my 20's, 30's & 40's.
Slowly the causes became evident, and with the corrections outlined below, I slowly gained a stability I never knew as a child or young adult.
Answers, dietary changes, and remedies came to me one by one over the decades. I made my changes slowly, but in sync with my readiness and new found knowledge. I explored many commonly taught 'natural health practices", only to find them ineffective, or even counterproductive to restoring health.
My first step into the world of health remedies began in 1976 after (barely) graduating from college and finding myself in a state of extreme chronic fatigue.
I dove into the study of herbal medicine in 1981 after discovering that a Chinese herbal formula restored my energy levels to a place I had never known my entire life.
I worked in construction, knew very little about a quality diet, and took a spectrum of herbal formulas from the health food stores discovering more and more about what worked and didn't work.
In 1999 I began making an herbal tea to replace my coffee habit, which later became known as SumaRaj. Others asked for me to make it for them and that began the business operation.
The herbs in SumaRaj began to detox my body and build functioning power back into my endocrine glands. It provided a massive daily store of plant-based nutrients that was impossible to get from typical foods. A steady climb in health ensued, though I still had a long way to go.
I began to make my own herbal remedies based on the traditional wisdom of several cultures around the world, designing formulas to solve the myriad of health problems I still faced. Steady progress took place, in my own life and in the lives of family and friends.
Why? Because the formulas were herbs straight from Nature, no extracts, no isolated vitamins or minerals, just whole herbs.
I trusted Nature in her original form, and it worked. The business grew by word of mouth, no advertising needed.
As the typical 50s and andropause arrived, my energy levels were already higher than my younger years. The adaptogenic formulas were making it possible to maintain a steady course of hormonal balance.
As my body cleaned out, I also became more sensitive. It became strikingly obvious when something depleted my hormone levels and when something built them up.
I explored several of the "natural, organic" sweeteners, only to give them up after watching libido sink, energy levels drop, and health problems increase.
I noticed that dairy fats in raw, organic cream and milk, when added to my coffee or SumaRaj tea, or consumed in meal recipes, would increase fungal overgrowth, constipation, brain fog, drop my energy levels and libido, reduce circulation to my extremities, turn my nails white, and cause my toes to go numb.
A similar event happened when attempting to "bullet proof" my teas and coffee with organic coconut oil or raw butter. These popular additions to an average "good health food diet", when discontinued and corrected with an aggressive immune building program, allowed my energy levels and libido to improve, and the symptoms to subside.
I am convinced at this point that these are not necessarily "bad fats"—it was the quantity that I was consuming that made the difference. At the time that this revelation became obvious, I was consuming 2-3 coffee pots of SumaRaj Tea over the course of the day and night. So, that meant taking in a few tablespoons of oil a day in addition to oils in the food dishes.
Oils and fats are needed to build steroidal hormones, fat soluble vitamins, and to fuel numerous functions within the brain and body, so they are essential to high levels of health.
I was not practicing Keto, so the mixture of carbs and fats contributed to this conflict, yet Keto is not a wise choice of diet given its numerous drawbacks and side effects that I have outline in: Insights into Keto and Weight Loss – Why it Works, and How It Can Become a Time Bomb!
So, the question remains, "How much fat is acceptable in the diet?". The best I have come up with is an understanding that it may vary with each person based on a number of factors, like bile production capacity, current body stores of fat, the kind of fat consumed, one's workout schedule, etc.
In general, a sedentary person would want to consume less, an active person more. One with an alkaline constitution will tolerate more than one with an acidic constitution due to the way acidity thickens the bile fluids, thus reducing its ability to exit the gallbladder when needed. Here is a summary of some tips on that subject: 15 Benefits of High Cholesterol Levels.
In general, 2-4 tablespoons of a quality oil or fat per day seems to be the max for an average person in order to maintain higher levels of health. Beyond that troubles may begin.
From my personal experience, not counting chemical and heavy metal toxins, mold exposure, recreational drugs, and medical treatments, it is the concentrated and artificial sweeteners that top the list of items that do the most harm to our hormonal systems in three primary ways—1) by overworking the pancreas and adrenals in an effort to balance sugar levels in the blood, 2) by feeding yeast, viruses, bacteria, and parasites, whose job it is to consume excesses of all kinds, and 3) by instantly depressing the immune response powers of the body (white blood cells immediately stop their typical motion with the intake of a sugar concentrate).
An excessive amount of fat is second on my list due primarily to the way an excess thickens the blood, thus reducing capillary circulation and placing a demand on the hormonal system to process, excrete, or store this excess (meanwhile the excess is feeding the pathogens that are designed by Nature to consume excesses within the body).
Third on my list of hormone depleting substances is caffeine.
Apart from the realizations about concentrated sweeteners and excessive fats in the diet that diminish hormone integrity, feed the pathogens in the body, and disrupt the digestive processes critical to overall health, caffeine became a central focus of exploration, given its pervasive use throughout my life to counter the extreme levels of fatigue.
I was mostly attached to black and green teas until my 40's, then added coffee with half & half (6-12 cups per day back in the 1990s). My health declined rapidly, sinus congestion and snoring increased drastically, until I began finding answers within the herbal kingdom to counter these side effects.
Yet the preference for the taste and smell of fresh brewed organic coffee drew me back each time I tried to quit, until February of 2021. I finally had enough of the side effects of coffee, clearly being the primary cause of the few times I would come down with something over the years. I explain the hidden dangers of coffee in this article: Is Coffee Really Good For Your Health???
My beverage preferences today are our SumaRaj Tea, the Hyssop Pine Tea, and spontaneous tea blends I make from the 60+ herbs I keep at home for this purpose and for experimentation.
I also enjoy the many versions of aged green teas call Pu-erh (a fermentation of green tea leaves, aged 1-25 years or more—and much more costly than typical green tea. The caffeine in Pu-erh is easier on the body due to its fermentation process.
There are numerous other causes of hormone disruption or depletion discussed further below.
I tend to make my changes slowly. I recommend the same for others. Change when you are good and ready, when you are inspired to change. Change because it finally makes sense to do things differently and discover the better alternatives that replace the need for the old pattern. Forcing a change usually results in going back to the former pattern. You will know when you are ready.
The following is a synopsis of what has been gleaned from the last 7 decades about this one subject – Adrenal Glands and Their Role in Reversing Hormone Imbalances, Menopause, and Andropause.
It is offered to increase your own understanding, and suggest ways to make adjustments in your own time and way.
Adrenal fatigue, or the more extreme case of adrenal exhaustion, is often at the root of insomnia, allergies, hormonal imbalances, menopause, andropause, along with numerous other health complaints.
Why is this so? The adrenal glands produce over 50 different hormones which are involved in significant life-sustaining functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, thyroid regulation, blood sugar regulation, energy production, heart and lung health, kidney functions, allergy response, inflammation reduction, sleep/wake cycles, immune system response, estrogen and testosterone production, etc.
Poorly functioning adrenal glands can result in any of the following complaints (I know most of these intimately from personal experience):
High & low cortisol levels, the stress hormone, produced by the adrenal cortex, (and is responsible for most cases of insomnia).
Reduced melatonin production (from the pineal gland), often caused by high cortisol levels from caffeinated food or beverage, toxic loads, and/or stress & worry.
Light, unfulfilling sleep, or a nocturnal sleep pattern (awake at night, sleepy during the day), or difficulty getting back to sleep in the middle of the night (exhausted adrenals remain in fight or flight mode (high cortisol) interfering with the pineal gland's melatonin production).
High & low blood sugar levels (regulated by the adrenals and the pancreas), and made worse by a high fat diet.
Sleepiness after a meal (related to blood sugar levels regulated by the adrenals/pancreas/spleen/liver).
Irregular heartbeat (heart rate is regulated in part by mineral electrolytes and adrenal hormones).
high & low thyroid function (regulated in part by the adrenals).
Mood swings, anxiety, depression, or bipolar tendencies (often related to low & high adrenal output, and/or an overworked spleen, both of which are aggravated by sweets, stimulants, and alcohol).
Unpleasant period and menopausal symptoms (the adrenals manufacture some reproductive hormones and serve as the backup hormone producer during menopause).
Underweight and overweight conditions (spleen/adrenal/toxic liver related). Adrenal corticosteroids regulate how the body uses carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
Diminished immune response powers (high & low sugar levels interfere with the normal immune response in the body). Concentrated sweets depress the immune system.
Inflammation (the adrenal cortex manufactures the body’s required supply of natural cortisone involved in inflammation responses).
A diminished ability to produce antihistamines (the allergy fighters) manufactured by the adrenal medulla.
Lung congestion, sinus congestion, and low oxygen exchange (regulated in part by the spleen & adrenals).
Cold hands and feet and a tendency to chill easily in cold weather, regulated in part by the spleen & adrenals, and made worse by a high fat/high sugar diet, (especially common among raw food and high fruit vegetarian diets consuming high amounts of nuts). This is also common among keto dieters due to the excessive amount of fat in the diet thickening the blood, acidifying the body, and impairing capillary circulation.
The disruption of numerous hormone functions in the body, among other symptoms
Restore power to the adrenal glands and numerous health issues may improve or disappear entirely.
balanced energy
elimination of allergies
normal heart function
improved respiratory function
better fat regulation
improved sugar regulation
greater hormone balance
improved sleep
increased physical stamina
natural sexual drive & performance
increased mental clarity
more positive aspirations
inspired creativity
improved mood
a stronger immune system
and numerous other areas of importance.
1) Life stress (the adrenals are one of the body's main worry/fear/life stress responders).
2) It is important to note that if a life event or diet stresses the spleen, the adrenals will also be affected. The spleen generates the energetic properties that help regulate and empower adrenal production
3) Sugar and other concentrated sweeteners (both natural and artificial). This includes concentrated stevia drops or white stevia powder concentrate, agave, maple syrup, and even an excess of honey or fruit in some instances, especially when combined with oils or fats.
Sugar excess stresses the spleen, overworks the pancreas and adrenals, depresses the immune system, triggers allergies (due to a depletion of antihistamine response from the adrenals), and increases bacterial/fungal overgrowth.
If you get spacey, jittery, have to clear your throat frequently, become hyperactive, become depressed, develop allergies, or get drippy sinuses after a fruit or sweet intake, you have had too much.
Due to the effects of EMFs, WIFI, cell tower microwave radiation, smart meters, satellite radiation, recent medical interventions, etc. our ability to process sugar, even fruit sugar, has been compromised. Bitter fruits, like lemon or amalaki, are beneficial, but the sweets and sweet fruits are causing tooth inflammation and digestive bloat in increasing measure today, largely due, I believe, to the impact of EMFs on the pancreas.
4) Regular use of caffeinated beverages (especially coffee, guarana, ephedra, and energy drinks). Caffeinated beverages also overstimulate the nervous system leading to nervous system exhaustion (which promotes shaky hands), and spleen/adrenal depletion (which increases chronic fatigue).
Green teas, matcha, twig tea (roasted green tea twigs), and pu-erh teas (green tea fermented 1-25 years) are safer, more gentle alternatives, yet can also strain sensitive adrenals. Pu-erh, though more expensive, has the gentlest effect on adrenal and spleen function.
Yerba mate', guayusa, and yaupon (the only naturally occurring caffeinated tea species grown in America), are also more gentle alternatives to coffee and energy drinks, though either in excess will still strain the spleen and adrenals.
As you may have guessed, I have extensive history with caffeinated beverages searching for energy alternatives, and have been able to dissect this world to an extreme degree. For further insights into the world of caffeine, read: Is Coffee Really Good For Your Health???
5) Caffeinated stimulants artificially raise the cortisol levels (your fight-or-flight stress response hormone). Cortisol excesses are a prime food source for various pathogens. These pathogens are central causes of the inflammation and chronic fatigue so rampant in the world today (with inflammation being the firemen on the scene going there to manage the pathogen overgrowth, and chronic fatigue being merely the response of the body slowing itself down to conserve energy for healing).
6) The use of sugar, alcohol, stimulants, and recreational drugs exhaust the adrenals and deplete the kidney jing essence (the subtle energy that serves as your foundational life power).
Depletion of kidney jing results in lowered vitality, lower immune response powers, greater susceptibility to disease, reduced libido, loss of fortitude and drive – in general, a lower quality of life.
7) Fungal/viral/bacterial overgrowth, being among the most prevalent contributing factors to adrenal stress, is activated initially by:
a. The first dose of antibiotics ever taken (even as an infant).
b. Immunization shots laden with mercury (Thimerosal) or aluminum and other toxic substances (like formaldehyde).
c. Silver/mercury amalgam tooth fillings.
d. Drinking and cooking with chlorinated/fluoridated water.
e. Playing with mercury as a child.
f. Mercury elixirs (mercury was once used as a medical treatment until the connection was made between mercury triggered neuron degeneration and numerous other health problems.
g. Exposure to farm and garden/household chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, chemical cleaners, etc.).
h. Exposure to radiation from nearby nuclear power plants, munitions factories, or nuclear testing facilities (airborne or water supply).
i. Use of birth control pills and other hormone replacement therapies.
8) Fungal/viral/bacterial overgrowth is subsequently worsened by such things as:
a. The use of concentrated sweeteners (like agave, honey, cane sugar, xylitol, barley malt, high fructose corn syrup, stevia drops and white concentrated stevia powder, etc.)
- especially when combined with an oil or a fat (i.e. desserts)
- especially when combined with dairy products (i.e. latte)
b. The consumption of deep fried foods (like chips, french fries, fried chicken, etc.).
c. Regular use of birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy (even bioidentical and glandulars).
d. High consumption of nuts, seeds, and nut/seed butters (nuts/seeds and their butters feed the shingles/herpes/EBV pathogens due to their high arginine/low lysine ratios).
e. Daily consumption of animal flesh resulting in sluggish digestion/over-acid condition/putrefaction in the gut/viral-parasite proliferation (from animal flesh moving slowly through the intestines decaying at 98.6ºF).
f. The use of most vinegars which are very hard on the liver (except for moderate amounts of umeboshi vinegar & coconut water vinegar). The use of lemon to emulsify the fats is a superior alternative.
g. Consuming any soy product (due in part to GMO contamination of organic soy) and over-estrogenation of the body (similar to birth control pills) when taken in moderate to large amounts, acting like a hormone replacement chemical (thereby atrophying the innate estrogen producing function of the body).
h. Exposure to chemical pesticides and herbicides (Roundup is a genetically modified soy derivative and hormone disruptor now in almost every conventionally grown and many organic food sources today).
i. Regular use of kombucha (made of theobromine, sugar, and alcohol, all of which stress the spleen, and promote yeast/fungal overgrowth, especially when consumed with a fatty meal).
j. A general acid condition in the body (shoot for 7.35 pH saliva and urine midday). Seaweeds and algae are your fastest and most effective alkalizers.
k. Undigested food in the digestive tract often due to low bile production, low stomach acids, and/or low digestive enzyme production (produced by the pancreas, liver, stomach, and intestines). Solutions can be found here: Q&A: What Everyone Ought to Know About Digestive Enzymes, HCL, and Bile Supplements
l. Exposure to plastic fumes/off-gassing (creates an estrogen replacement effect).
m. Alcohol (depresses spleen function which plays a central role in your antibody immune response).
n. Most breads due to RoundUp use on grains and genetic modification of the gluten, although organically grown einkorn, emmer, spelt, kamut breads are less hybridized grains worth exploring that may provide a safer alternative for some.
o. The more than moderate use of liquid oils and animal fat in recipes (consider olives, avocados, and vegetables/seeds that contain oils (oils are found in most fruits & vegetables) rather than the oil extracted from them. Coconut oil and olive oil in moderate amounts are an exception to this rule.
p. Consuming fruits or sweets within 3 hours or 1-2 days (depending on one's digestive powers and bile production) of consuming a meat, an oil, or a fat can result in high sugar levels (insulin resistance) leading to bacteria/yeast/fungal overgrowth.
This is due to the time it takes oils and fats to leave the bloodstream and their impedance effect on sugar metabolism (which is the primary cause of diabetes).
q. Numerous other causes(like the recent Apeel coating being sprayed on vegetables today to prolong freshness at the expense of your digestive health).
9) General environmental toxicity and many other factors play into the stresses placed on our adrenal glands due to the fact that the adrenals are one of the body's first responders to toxins or allergens (thus the importance of a daily detoxification/adrenal repair program).
Adrenal repair (and hormonal restoration in general) is accomplished in 8 basic ways:
1) An improvement in diet (OK, So What Foods CAN I Eat?) with an emphasis on ensuring oils & fats are fully digested before consuming sweets, and ensuring pancreatic enzyme production is at peak performance:
Digestive Bitters with every meal (stimulates bile production & pancreatic digestive enzymes)
Herbal C taken separately or as a component of a green superfood drink to boost immune powers, detox the body, and improve digestion
2) High earthen mineral ingestion daily (necessary building blocks for hormones) with the most highly recommended being:
Mineral Manna (AM & PM use) (Contains Ancient Mineral Blend, Sacred Clay, Himalayan Salt, Humic/Fulvic Earth, and Ormalite.)
or the components, if taken separately:
Ancient Mineral Blend (AM & PM use for muscle relaxant and laxative effects)
Sacred Clay (AM & PM use)
3) Daily consumption of a comprehensive green superfood (also helps to maintain an ideal 7.35 pH). Taken in the morning or midday, and again just before bed (to improve the depth and quality of sleep). This is one of my most favorite ways to improve sleep quality and quantity, in addition to Day Calm & Deep Sleep. (See Trouble Sleeping? – 12 Most Common Causes of Sleep Disorders and 6 Secrets to Sleeping Well)
Options include:
Vital Cleanse & Nutrify (combines Earth & Sea Greens, and several other herbs supportive of the spleen and general hormone balance)
Sea Vegetable Blend (contains only seaweeds and algae plus Moringa)
4) Implement a daytime endocrine (hormonal) rebuilding program with adaptogenic herbs (convinces the body to turn off cortisol and turn on melatonin at the right times). Both young and old serve to benefit immensely from a steady regimen of these adaptogeninc hormone balancers.
One or more options from this list will add a boost to your innate natural hormone production powers. Taken together, even in moderate amounts (commonly 4 caps/1 tsp/5 ml) once or twice per day steadily improves energy levels, mood, mental focus, and physical drive.
For both women and men going through the 'change of life' (menopause and andropause), the following hormone restorative formulas, in addition to dietary and lifestyle changes, along with a daily detoxification regimen, provide a simple and effective approach to restore and build normal estrogen and testosterone levels.
Kidney & Adrenal Builder — (daytime only), although only 1-3 caps before bed improves sleep by assisting in the reduction of cortisol. Serves as a long term rebuilder of adrenal production.
Adrenal Revive — Contains Nettle Seed and Alfalfa plus a few key adaptogens for the most rapid way to kickstart adrenal function, reduce allergic responses, and begin the process of restoring normal hormone production.
Stamina! — Supports calm, sustained, natural energy without caffeine.
Revitalize for Women or Revitalize for Men — (daytime only). Central to addressing menopausal and andropausal symptoms)
Spleen Builder — (AM & PM) (The spleen electrically generates power for adrenal function)
Thyroid Balance— (AM & PM) Adrenal function is critical to thyroid function.
Small amounts of Licorice Root powder one pinch at a time (generally 1/2 teaspoon or so over the course of a day) serves to support adrenal production and reduce allergic responses to pollens, etc.
Adaptogen & Mushroom Blend — (daytime only)
5) Implement a daily detoxification regimen.
Toxins are being taken in daily (and most of us have been for decades now), thus the importance of a program that removes toxins (hormone disruptors) from the body gradually, yet daily. Such a program will include:
Daily or frequent Sacred Clay baths, foot baths, all night foot poultices, or shower slurries to draw as many toxins out as possible from the blood and lymph, and skin, thus easing the strain on the liver, kidneys and lymphatic system in general (Sacred Clay Instructions for Use)
A sweat therapy approach of infrared or steam saunas, or sweat-inducing spices (ginger, cayenne, habaneros, etc.), or simply working out to induce a good sweat, cleanses the lymphatic system (the body's sewer system), thus easing the strain on the liver and kidneys
6) A 30 day pathogen reduction program to build immune system powers and restore vital energy:
Immune Power (4-8 caps per day). Pathogen overgrowth (bacteria, yeast, viruses (exosomes), parasites, etc.) is one of the most common causes of that lethargic, run down feeling and fuzzy brain. This is the body's way of reducing energy expenditure so the body can place its energy reserves on dealing with the pathogens.
A short period on high levels of Immune Power assists the immune system to get ahead of the pathogen growth. Gentle, yet effective.
Parasite-Venom Detox (4 caps per day). An essential formula for managing the effects of toxins derived from recent "medical treatments for a virus" and the transmission of those toxins to others when within breath range. Serves as an excellent parasite reduction program.
Herbal C (1-3 tablespoons per day). Can be slightly laxative for some when taken in volume. Moderate accordingly. Vitamin C, especially when derived from its whole herbal forms, is known to boost immune response powers, assist in detoxification, and support improved digestion.
Friendly Flora (4-8 caps per day). Based in humic/fulvic earth as a nutritive and protector of probiotics, the soil-based organisms in the formula support digestive function and improved immune response.
7) Build internal kidney & adrenal energy (qi) with simple qigong practices:
Heart Balance Qigong Simple standing (or sitting) exercises that concentrate the life energy (kidney jing essence), thereby restoring adrenal function over time.
For more advanced Qigong practices I recommend Robert Peng and Jason Quitt and Chunyi Lin
8) Address internal stress factors (fears, limitations, resentments, worry, etc.) utilizing The Gentle Art of Self-Healing:
Adrenal production is central to overall health. To build adrenal powers is a multi-fold process ranging from reducing adrenal stress from the diet, toxicities, the lifestyle, and from internal stress factors.
Adherence to the wise application of these principles will gradually restore adrenal function, improve hormonal balance and reverse menopausal & andropausal symptoms.
Detoxification of the body provides a significant boost to adrenal function, given its central role in responding to stress from toxins. Consider the detoxification protocols mentioned above to be of utmost importance, as most all chemical and EMF sensitivities, allergies, digestive complaints, methylation issues, mast cell disorders, gene disorders, mental focus, and energy levels are centrally influenced by toxins in the body coupled with an overwhelmed liver.
Improvements in diet cannot be overemphasized, especially in the areas of concentrated sugar consumption, excess fats, caffeine, alcohol, and recreationals, all of which deplete kidney jing faster than most other factors.
With attention to the points referenced above, the body, with its inherent wisdom, will be given the natural herbal resources and rebuilding power it needs to clean house and boost overall levels of libido, energy, and health.
Many blessings of health and success,
Enjoy the simple gifts from Nature!
The Pros and Cons of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and Glandular Extracts
"Replacement" or "Nourishment" - Which Approach Gives Your Body the Power to Restore Optimal Hormone Levels?
Ascorbic acid, citric acid, mineral ascorbates, liposomal, lipospheric™, whole herbs & fruits? Which ones will produce the best results?
The Essential Role of Vitamin C in Human Health
Get Vitamin D naturally without taking the supplemental form!
A functioning liver can store several months of sunshine and plant-based Vitamin D for wintertime use.
Possessing over 700 nutritional compounds, the therapeutic value of the pine tree has a longstanding reputation dating back thousands of years.
Both indigenous and modern civilizations have utilized the needles, bark, wood, cones, pollen, seeds, and the resinous sap of the pine tree for medicine, food, and wound healing.