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What Forms of Vitamin C are the Most Effective Against Pathogens and Toxins of All Kinds?

March 05, 2025 12 min read

Ascorbic acid, citric acid, mineral ascorbates, liposomal, lipospheric™, whole herbs & fruits? Which ones will produce the best results?

The Essential Role of Vitamin C in Human Health

Vitamin C is universally critical to human health serving as a catalyst for numerous enzymes required in the formation of amino acid-derived macromolecules, neurotransmitters, and neuropeptide hormones involved in thousands of biochemical processes in the body.

Vitamin C has long been recognized as a formidable opponent against pathogens of all kinds. In February 2020 China officially approved intravenous vitamin C as a treatment for Coronavirus and recommended oral vitamin C as a preventative.

Vitamin C and plant-derived flavonoids are also cofactors for various enzymes involved in detoxification and the regulation of hundreds of stress related genes and epigenetics (modifying the way a gene expresses rather than altering the genetic code).

Vitamin C From Whole Herbs and Fruits Provide a Longer Bioactive Time in the Body

Whole herbs and fruits have a longer staying power in the body, thus more time in the bioactive state to produce benefits for you.

It has been proven that natural forms of vitamin C will last longer in the body than synthetic or isolated versions of vitamin C, and that the whole plant form of vitamin C can be 148% more bioavailable than the chemical isolate forms.

The human immune system is centrally dependent on vitamin C. By reducing oxidative stress in the body, vitamin C is also integral to reducing and preventing obesity and its numerous associated health conditions.

Vitamin C is involved in numerous important body functions including:

  • the digestion of proteins

  • the building of collagen, thus tissue and bone repair

  • cardiovascular health

  • cholesterol levels

  • vision

  • the utilization of iron in the body

  • the formation of glutathione (the Master Antioxidant)

  • detoxification of chemicals and heavy metals

It is clear that sufficient quantities of vitamin C in the body are essential to high levels of health overall. The question is, why are there so many isolated extract versions of Vitamin C being pushed on the public, when the whole plant versions are proving to be more effective?

Obviously cost and streamlined production for greater volumes and profits are a factor, yet it seems, in the face of the biological designer pathogens we are facing today, we would want to obtain the most effective forms of vitamin C possible to address our personal health needs.

Is it worth paying less for partial results if greater results can be derived from whole plant versions? Only you can decide. Practically speaking, some is better than none, yet what are the very best sources of vitamin C with the greatest of benefits to the body?

To answer this question it will be necessary to identify the material source of each of the common vitamin C versions and compare them for suitability in the human body.

Pay attention to what goes into the manufacturing of each isolated version of vitamin C and decide if this is really what you want in your body:

The Most Common Sources for Vitamin C and Which Ones Are Best

Ascorbic Acid

Ascorbic acid is predominantly sourced from fermented corn or wheat, which is then converted to glucose, and then to sorbitol, followed by a series of biotechnical, chemical processing and purification steps.

What version of the corn and wheat was used is not disclosed. GMO? Super hybridized like most all corn and wheat today?

By 2017 China was producing 95% of the world’s ascorbic acid isolate.

Can we trust anything coming out of China today (the same country that has deliberately added graphene, a known lung toxin, to face masks used by adults and children worldwide)?

Citric Acid 

Citric acid appears naturally in lemons and limes in high amounts, although beginning in 1890 a variety of methods have been developed to synthesize citric acid or citrate through chemical processes.

Commercially offered citric acid isolate today is typically drawn from the fermentation of  beet molasses, corn steep liquor, or hydrolyzed corn starch with a culture of aspergillus niger. After the mold is filtered out of the resulting solution, calcium hydroxide and sulfuric acid are used to isolate the citric acid.

Again, what version of the corn and wheat was used is not disclosed. GMO? Super hybridized like most all corn and wheat today?

Mineral Ascorbates 

Mineral Ascorbates are created by combining ascorbic acid isolate with mineral carbonates to reduce acidity or vary the effects. A variety of mineral ascorbates are produced through this process including calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, potassium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, and many other mineral isolate forms.

Isolated minerals are seldom ever beneficial in the body, except for short-term purposes. An excess of a single mineral can cause other minerals in the body to become biologically unavailable, and can disrupt your biological terrain's homeostasis.

Liposomal and Lipospheric™ Vitamin C

Liposomal and Lipospheric™ vitamin C are fundamentally the same (one is trademarked) and are constructed from the chemically derived ascorbic acid mentioned above, yet encapsulated in microscopic fat-like particles called a phospholipid bilayer to protect it from stomach acids and improve assimilation at the cellular level.

The liposomals include a high percentage of phosphatidylcholine for this purpose which also provides additional support for numerous muscle, brain, and nerve activities.

With one caveat.

We are talking about a chemically derived ascorbic acid of questionable origins coated in a phosphatidylcholine molecule extracted from whole foods (typically soybeans) to protect the ascorbic acid from digestive juices and facilitate delivery to the cells. 

Are there side effects to phosphatidylcholine intake? – Yes.

Phosphatidylcholine supplementation can produce irritation down the digestive tract, resulting in nausea, a reduction in appetite, looseness of the bowels or diarrhea

Why would a natural phospholipid produce loose bowels?

Phosphatidylcholine exists naturally in eggs, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, none of which would typically cause loose bowels. For commercial purposes the isolated extract is commonly derived from soybeans (again, possible GMO?). But why loose bowels?

It is a common practice to extract oils with the chemical hexane (a petroleum byproduct constituting a significant portion of gasoline, degreasers, and solvents), or hexane in combination with other chemicals. The FDA allows this, despite its harmful side effects.

Hexanes are used to increase the yield of extracted oils over the simple oil press method. Yet the chemical cannot be fully removed from the oil following extraction. 

Side effects of hexane ingestion include long-lasting and even permanent nerve damage in feet, legs, hands, and arms.

Another side effect, not discussed anywhere, I discovered from personal experience. 

After consuming the pulp of moringa seeds following moringa oil extraction provided by an outside source, I experienced an unusual bout of bloat and diarrhea, only to discover later that the oil had been extracted from the seeds with a chemical process, most likely the FDA approved hexane. 

Consuming the whole seeds did not cause the same digestive problem, which prompted me to investigate further.

Hexane is a chemical toxin and should never be used in the extraction of a food product (despite its FDA approval). I believe the nausea, reduction in appetite, and looseness of the bowels or diarrhea following liposomal and lypospheric vitamin C consumption are most likely caused by the toxic extraction chemicals in the phosphatidylcholine

Intuitively, I have never felt comfortable with the Liposomal/Lipospheric vitamin C concept. Now I know why.


Bioflavonoids are found in citrus fruits naturally and are commonly added to ascorbic acid and citric acid isolates to improve their bioavailability, however what is still missing from this partial plant-derived addition to the chemically-derived sources are several other compounds naturally occurring in the whole fruit itself.

Such compounds missing from an isolated version of vitamin C, even when bioflavonoids are separately added, may include such valuable health-promoting phytochemicals as:

  • carotenoids

  • pectin

  • malic acid

  • phenolics

  • alkaloids

  • anthocyanins

  • nitrogen-containing compounds

  • organosulfur compounds

  • pro-vitamin A, B complex, niacin, iron, phosphorous, calcium, potassium, magnesium, etc.

And of course, the valuable fiber that feeds the friendly flora in the intestines and improves regularity.

In addition to the better known nutrients found within an herb, a vegetable, or fruit there will also most often be found a selection of nutritional compounds (phytonutrients) that are unique to the plant itself, the health benefits of which may still remain undiscovered by modern medicine, yet placed there by Nature for a reason.

Therefore, the addition of bioflavonoids to improve effectiveness, and the use of liposomal phospholipids to enhance assimilation, while an improvement compared to the unmodified chemical isolate form, is simply an admission that we need more of what Nature provided to us in the original plant form to make the vitamin C most useful in the human body.

A laboratory configured chemical isolate will never be able to compete with the multidimensional properties of whole herbs, vegetables, and fruits.

Whole herbs, vegetables, and fruitswith their extensive internal nutrient components and numerous health benefits, were the original inspiration for each of the isolated chemical derivations.

To come up with the isolate, the benefits of fruits were observed and then dissected to discover some of their “active ingredients”, which were then synthesized in a laboratory to create their isolated forms.

Whole herbs, vegetables, and fruits are derived from Nature and contain, not only the individual “active ingredients” described above, but numerous supportive plant-based compounds that improve bioavailability and support a broad spectrum of metabolic functions throughout the body.

Longer Bioactive Time in the Body

To repeat what was said earlier, whole herbs and fruits also have a longer staying power in the body, thus more time in the bioactive state to produce benefits for you.

It has been proven that natural forms of vitamin C will last longer in the body than synthetic or isolated versions of vitamin C, and that the whole plant form of vitamin C can be 148% more bioavailable than the chemical isolate forms.

How Nutrients in Plants Learn to Address Your Unique Metabolic Requirements

Whole herbs and fruits have another powerful advantage over laboratory designed isolates –  they learn how to discern your unique body’s needs and morph to be able to supply those needs.

To understand just how a plant nutrient is able to learn how to address your unique body requirements, I will have to quote a source from a more advanced civilization who understands this process in great detail, and therefore nourishes their own bodies in harmony with such natural principles.

The insights are obtained from a fascinating work published by Penny Kelly. (If you want to learn more about how this information came about you will want to read Penny Kelly’s book called  Robes – A Book of Coming Changes”.)

To grasp a better understanding of why we are experiencing these troubled times today, and where we are headed as a human society because of them, I cannot recommend a more important book. 

Back to vitamin C, Penny Kelly’s sources are an advanced civilization who summarize for our benefit the biological advantages from plant-derived nutrients compared to chemical isolates (like ascorbic acid), or plant extracts (like bioflavonoids).

The material outlines why a whole plant version of a vitamin is more effective at restoring balance within the human body than an isolated nutrient taken from a plant, and of course, this includes any laboratory chemical synthesis of a vitamin as well:

What we would like for you to see here is that your current system of chemical medicine is doomed and there are several reasons for this. These chemicals have lower levels of living intelligence simply because they have not been transformed by time spent inside plant intelligence.

A useful analogy here would be to say that when a mineral or chemical element spends time inside a plant, it becomes somewhat educated. In a sense, it learns to read its environment and express itself better.

It polishes its communication skills, and adapts to working with other elements in a highly productive fashion. It learns how to build living systems, discovers how to identify problems of poor construction at the molecular level, and how to correct them by coordinating all available resources at its disposal. These resources are the unique mix of compounds, minerals, enzymes, and vitamins that are found in the soil, water, or air, as well as those that can be created within the plant itself.

When a raw mineral or element has been educated by time spent in a living, organic plant, it will join with neighboring elements to create a strong and unique symphony of frequencies and sub-tones.

When this symphony is introduced to a human body having a set of molecules whose frequencies have gotten out of tune, the plant frequencies will set up a consistent resonance, gradually bringing those molecules back in tune and thus into a state of health. ”Robes – A Book of Coming Changes” by Penny Kelly

Another Confirming Voice

I frequently consult with my inner sources to gain insights on matters that will go beyond the level of understanding so far developed by the professional audiences on the earth today.

Given the recent interest in taking vitamin C for viral infections, I asked my Oversoul for his insights on the matter. The following discussion on March 4, 2020 can be found in the “Vitamin C and Oxygen” section of The Effects of COVID-19 and What Steps You Need to Take to Survive a Pandemic”.

My Oversoul had this to say about plants and their benefits in the human body:

Michael:  Several sources are indicating that Vitamin C in large amounts is a longstanding solution for pathogenic compromises of all kinds. What is your take on this?

Oversoul: There are a number of longstanding protocols for pathogenic contamination. They all have one thing in common, they are drawn from Nature, or mimic natural frequencies found in Nature.

Vitamin C has several advantages if drawn from natural sources, and even more so if in the whole plant form.

One, it has an affinity to certain bonds with immune regulating hormones that boost their functionality and effectiveness when destroying an undesirable invader.

Second, pathogens are not able to develop a resistance to it. They are universal in their application against all forms of pathogenic structures.

Vitamin C does not have just one chemical structure, there are several, and each plant has its own. So, it is easy for one to derive its benefits by simply listening to their intuitive voice, and consume the plant or fruit they are drawn to most when feeling the need to build resistance.

Having some foreknowledge of herbs will help provide a basis of understanding for contemplating a plant or fruit.

There are more potent sources in the plant kingdom than the most commonly known (such as oranges) which also contain additional compounds that boost immune functions more powerfully than even the C itself. Most of your pine trees are one example. The needles and resins from the sap provide formidable resistance to pathogenic invasions.

A year later, the subject of pine needle tea (that happens to also be high in vitamin C) came up as a solution for flu-like symptoms (now known to simply be toxic overload symptoms), and graphene oxide poisoning (found in the shots, masks, and test swabs today). 
9 Ways to Make Pine Needle Tea

So it is obvious from a simple common sense perspective that taking Vitamin C isolates is leaving out the greater array of health benefits derived from the additional phytonutrients found in whole herbs, vegetables, and fruits.

Here is some earthbound evidence to support this claim:

Vitamin C Helps Reverse DNA Damage Caused by a Commercial High Fat Diet

Basic earthly wisdom indicates that whole fruit forms of vitamin C, specifically in the following quoted case, the acerola berry, has been shown to partially reverse diet-induced DNA damage caused by a fast food, high fat diet more effectively and more comprehensively throughout the body than the chemical isolate form of ascorbic acid.

The results suggest that  whole food versions of vitamin C produce superior benefits to the body by reducing the oxidative stress from commercial high fat diets, and thereby reduce damage to the genes caused by dietary toxins.

The results indicated that food supplementation with ripe or industrial acerola juice led to a partial reversal of the diet-induced DNA damage in the blood, kidney, liver and bone marrow. For unripe acerola juice food supplementation, beneficial effects were observed in blood, kidney and bone marrow. Food supplementation with vitamin C led to decreased DNA damage in kidney and liver, whereas rutin supplementation led to decreased DNA damage in all tissue samples observed. These results suggest that acerola juice [that naturally contains rutin along with other beneficial nutrients] helps to reduce oxidative stress and may decrease genotoxicity [DNA damage] under obesogenic [obesity promoting] conditions.

If whole plant versions of vitamin C can do this for one on the typical American fast food diet, even greater benefits will likely be derived by those on the more wholesome diets.

What are some of the readily available whole plant versions of vitamin C, that are also easily grown or wildcrafted (and are superior in benefits to the typical orange)?

  • Pine Needle Tea

  • Acerola Cherry

  • Amalaki Berry

  • Rose Hips

  • Coriander

  • Guava

  • Cayenne Pepper

  • Red/Orange Bell Pepper

  • Hawthorn Berry  

  • Maqui Berry

  • Wild Blueberry


So what form of vitamin C is the most bioavailable and most supportive of overall human health?

The answer is simply this: The most effective form of vitamin C for the human body will be the form of vitamin C that has spent the most time developing itself inside a plant, and is still in the plant when it is consumed.

Where can I get a combination of some of Nature’s best sources of vitamin C in a whole food form?

Herbal C includes some the most abundant and/or most stable sources of Vitamin C in the plant kingdom. The formula contains naturally occurring whole herb phytonutrients for maximum bioavailability

Recommended Low-Level Use:  1/2 teaspoon (2 capsules) 2 times per day.

Recommended High-Level Use:  1-2 teaspoons (4-8 capsules) 3 or more times per day.

Purchase Herbal C

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Michael King
Michael King

Michael King is a Life Enrichment Consultant, a natural intuitive, a researcher of Nature's most powerful healing resources the world over, the author of "Detoxify, Nourish & Build – Three Essentials for Vibrant Health", the Vital Health News Updates – a periodic newsletter documenting the most life-building natural resources on the planet, The Blessing Transformation, and the co-author of Life Chats with Oversoul – an ongoing dialogue designed to gain clarity and direction while navigating the immense changes going into the New Era. Michael is also an advocate of sustainable gardening, environmental responsibility, and an architect of ways to increase global food production.

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