Vitality Herbs & Clay is a private membership organization. Your participation within this site is protected by your Eternal Law right to privacy and freewill choice - - 541-482-9633 or 888-325-1475
Vitality Herbs & Clay is a private membership organization. Your participation within this site is protected by your Eternal Law right to privacy and freewill choice - - 541-482-9633 or 888-325-1475
The truth is, not a single product, natural or otherwise (including every one mentioned on this site) is capable of healing the human body. Neither a herb, a clay, a vitamin or mineral supplement, a seaweed or algae, an organic food, nor any other substance is capable of healing the body. In every instance, the body will take the nutrition given it, break it down into millions of pieces...
View, print or download a PDF copy of the Vitality Herbs and Clay Retail Catalog Price list and Ingredients & Usage:
VHC Catalog - Price List - Jan-7-25.pdf for printing.
VHC Catalog - Ingredients & Usage 3-18-25.pdf for printing.
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or by calling the office 10-4 M-F Pacific Time:
(541) 482-9633 or (888) 325-1475.
All of our formulas are made only with CGW ingredients (consciously grown without chemicals, certified organic or wildcrafted).
Ormalite is a naturally occurring clay possessing a broad spectrum of macro minerals, trace minerals, and M-State angstrom elements – all balanced by Nature.
Due to Ormalite's simplicity of makeup, it is likely the least costly M-state product on the market, possessing a well-rounded physical and spiritual enhancing effect.
Ormalite Clay is just Mother Nature in its raw form, unaltered, except for the milling required to make it easy to use.
We now have two versions of Ormalite:
Ormalite - Grade A - Ultrafine Powder
The GRADE A - Ultrafine version is the original version as it has always been.
The GRADE B - Coarse version is the byproduct of the milling and sifting process required to get the product into Ormalite GRADE A - Ultrafine Powder.
The Course version has more Ormalite grit (sand) in it, as this is what would not go through the sifter after the 4th milling and sifting event.
The Coarse version weighs about twice that of the Ultrafine version, and it contains about 30% Ormalite grit and 70% pure Ormalite, though not as fine as the Ultrafine version.
It works just as well, only you will have to take twice as much (or more if desired for that extra lift!).
The price is discounted to take these factors into account and to make it easier for those who want to explore taking larger amounts.
The grit is high in silica and can be consumed, if desired, (like any clay, they all have some fine sand in them). Silica is known to be helpful for the joints, skin, teeth, and bone. Good probiotics in the gut convert a small amount of the silica into amorphous silica required for building collagen. The rest just passes through.
The sandy grit with some water can also be tossed around your favorite plants to increase its health, greenery, and fruitful yield.
Part of the motivation for providing the Grade B Coarseversion is to accommodate those who desire to explore greater amounts of Ormalite.
Many reports have come back to us regarding its uplifting and centering effects with small amounts, which are increased even further with larger amounts (like 1/8th teaspoon/0.625ml to 1/4th teaspoon/1.25ml, or even more).
Hyperactivity and anxiety tend to transform into a peaceful centeredness. This effect has been extremely helpful to those attempting to withdraw from the harmful effects of plant-based and other mind-altering medications.
Since the pleasant effects (an open heart, increased energy, a more grounded focus, greater stamina, and the ability to get tasks accomplished with more drive) build gradually for three hours, then tend to diminish gradually over the course of 3 days, and each dose is cumulative (thus tomorrow's dose lifts you further than yesterday's experience), less is required each day to achieve a comfortable amount of energy and mental focus for the tasks at hand.
For those looking for that great sense of well-being and a calm, centered mind, commonly sought for in psychotropic plant medicines, Ormalite can be a safe alternative – one that builds and restores the health and mental state the whole time.
Ormalite tends to be both lifting and grounding at the same time, supporting overall mental and emotional balance.
With Ormalite there is no crash, no munchies, and no bloodshot eyes common to cannabis, alcohol, and other substances. (Bloodshot eyes are a sign of degraded physical health.)
Instead the body and mind are brought into greater and greater states of harmony and balance lasting 3 days and increasing with each repeated serving.
You retain complete control over your mental and physical faculties.
Overall health and spiritual development is gradually enhanced with regular use. Intuition and psychic abilities tend to increase as well over time and with increasing amounts consumed regularly.
Caution: Be aware that a small percentage of people will be ultra-sensitive to the effects of larger than recommended amounts of Ormalite such that driving or operating machinery within 3 hours is not advised if consuming the extra amounts. This is due to the effect of relaxation and light-headedness that can be experienced with the greater amounts.
A brief nap, however, tends to bring the senses together with a more grounded effect.
Most people however will simply feel more calm, centered, vitalized, open hearted, and focused. Meditation or concentration on a specific task is greatly enhanced by these effects.
Some have explored the use of 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon resulting in an exceptional increase in energy, mental focus, drive, intuition, and depth of meditation and inner healing.
The effects slowly diminish after a nap or full night’s rest by about 1/3 per day over the course of 3 days.
Ormalite is especially helpful for children, assisting them to be more focused in school, and more calm and harmonious overall.
A single serving has been known to reverse suicidal tendencies and quickly improve a cantankerous, uncooperative mood. Ormalite is safe for infants, children, and adults alike. It is simply clay, and very small amounts, at that, required to have very positive effects.
Why? Because Ormalite helps to open the heart energy and improve meridian flows. We feel more love and balanced, lifted energy, which are primary keys to happiness we all seek to know.
For those who tend to be hyperactive, Ormalite tends to calm the mind and energy levels. Some have been known to sleep for over 12 hours as a result of calming a hyperactive state, indicating the body was exhausted and needed rest.
As rest is achieved, normal sleeping hours are restored.
For some who have lived with extreme adrenal fatigue, Ormalite tends to raise energy levels, and may keep them awake if taken before bed.
This goes away over time as the hormonal system is restored through adaptogenic herbal therapy, an improvement in the diet, and regular use of Ormalite during the day.
For most people, Ormalite taken before bed prompts a deeper, more restful sleep, and more vivid dreams (a few have even reported flying dreams).
Due to Ormalite's natural ability to concentrate the mind on whatever task you are committed to accomplish, or dream that you wish to manifest, it has been observed that the manifestation of projects and aspirations tend to take place more rapidly and with greater ease.
The reason has to do with the way Ormalite helps concentrate the focus, which is essential to manifesting a goal. Concentrated mental focus also laser focuses the emotions, which is key to attracting key events and knowledge required to materialize dreams and desires.
Cannabis, alcohol, and other psychotropics tend to diffuse the focus, thus degrading the desire to accomplish required tasks. They also tend to deplete the body over time, whereas Ormalite tends to increase mental focus, emotional stability, physical health, and spiritual development over time.
Ormalite opens the heart, centers the mind, and nourishes the soul.
Enjoy this natural blessing straight from Nature!
Here are the recommendations for each of the two versions:
Recommended Use: Add 1 scoop or 1/32 tsp./0.15ml (scoop provided) or more to any amount of water or smoothie (or directly on the tongue). Stir and consume 1-3 or more times per day as desired.
The standard daily amount of 3 scoops (or more if desired) can be taken at once or spread out throughout the day and night as desired.
Be advised: For some, 1/2 to 1 scoop per day just before bed is sufficient. For others, 2-3 or more scoops per day is an appropriate amount.
In some instances of extreme fatigue, or a past of extensive cannabis use, drug abuse, caffeine, or alcohol, more may be required to feel the pleasant lift and calm focus. As the body rebuilds, a natural sensitivity to Ormalite's effects will be restored.
Recommended Use: Add 2 scoops or 1/16 tsp. / 0.30ml (scoop provided) to any amount of water or smoothie (or simply on the tongue). Swirl (or shake vigorously in a closed jar, and consume 1-3 or more times per day as desired.
The standard daily amount of 6 scoops (or more if desired) can be taken at once or spread out throughout the day and night as desired.
The grit will settle to the bottom of a glass of water, which can be saved for your plants, or consumed as desired.
Be advised: For some, 1 scoop per day just before bed is sufficient. For others, 4-8 scoops per day is an appropriate amount.
In some instances of extreme fatigue, or a past of extensive cannabis use, drug abuse, caffeine, or alcohol, more may be required to feel the pleasant lift and calm focus. As the body rebuilds, a natural sensitivity to Ormalite's effects will be restored.
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