Vitality Herbs & Clay is a private membership organization. Your participation within this site is protected by your Eternal Law right to privacy and freewill choice - - 541-482-9633 or 888-325-1475
Vitality Herbs & Clay is a private membership organization. Your participation within this site is protected by your Eternal Law right to privacy and freewill choice - - 541-482-9633 or 888-325-1475
The truth is, not a single product, natural or otherwise (including every one mentioned on this site) is capable of healing the human body. Neither a herb, a clay, a vitamin or mineral supplement, a seaweed or algae, an organic food, nor any other substance is capable of healing the body. In every instance, the body will take the nutrition given it, break it down into millions of pieces...
View, print or download a PDF copy of the Vitality Herbs and Clay Retail Catalog Price list and Ingredients & Usage:
VHC Catalog - Price List - Jan-7-25.pdf for printing.
VHC Catalog - Ingredients & Usage 3-18-25.pdf for printing.
Product orders may be placed online,
or by calling the office 10-4 M-F Pacific Time:
(541) 482-9633 or (888) 325-1475.
All of our formulas are made only with CGW ingredients (consciously grown without chemicals, certified organic or wildcrafted).
Black Seed Combo is a strong immune boosting formula containing immune activating herbs, some of which are not contained in Immune Power due to their immune stimulating properties.
The purpose of this formula is to isolate certain potent herbs into a separate formula designed for individuals that do not react to immune stimulants, ragweeds, or sea vegetables.
For those who can take immune stimulants, this formula complements the gentle, broad-spectrum effects of Immune Power.
Ingredients: Black Seed, Astragalus, Gigartina, Hyssop, Red Clover Blossom, Artemisia Annua, Birch Bark, Chaga, Elderberry Fruit, Elecampane, Eucalyptus, Monarda, Neem, Olive Leaf, Red Root, Turkey Tail, Turmeric, Maral Root, Licorice Root, Bitter Melon, Lomatium &/or Osha, Goldenrod, Plantain Leaf, Thyme, Yarrow, Humic/Fulvic Earth, Oregano, Ormalite
Recommended Low-Level Use: 4-8 capsules once or twice per day in addition to Immune Power. May be maintained for as long as needed to strengthen the Immune System as desired.
Recommended High-Level Use: During periods of stress, take Black Seed Combo at the rate of 6 capsules 3-6 times per day along with Immune Power until desired health goals have been achieved.
Alternatively Black Seed Combo can be taken at the rate of 2-3 capsules every 15-30 minutes for 4-6 hours per day for a gentle steady immune boost when under stress.
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