Possessing over 700 nutritional compounds, the therapeutic value of the pine tree has a longstanding reputation dating back thousands of years.
Both indigenous and modern civilizations have utilized the needles, bark, wood, cones, pollen, seeds, and the resinous sap of the pine tree for medicine, food, and wound healing.
Natural Wisdom & Real World Answers
(Video & Transcript)
How to Guard Your Health & Emotional Well Being as You Celebrate
Surprising and (for some) Shocking Tips on How to Minimize the Side Effects of Celebration Foods & Prevent the Seasonal Blues
A Surprising Overview of Spleen Functions and Deficiency Symptoms
The Numerous Benefits of Strong Adrenals and How to Quickly Restore Them Back to Health!
Including Increased Longevity, A Healthier Heart, a Stronger Immune System, Less Inflammation, and Higher Levels of Vitamins A, D, E, and K.
The most common foods and environmental influences that affect thyroid performance, and what you can do to build thyroid power
The Autonomy of Every Soul and the Future New Era Lifestyle that Ultimately Replaces the Current System
Today's chat focuses on current events surrounding the destruction of historical icons, the supportive roles of light and dark path souls, and what it really means to be free as an autonomous soul.
How to Improve Sleep, Reduce Allergies, and Balance Hormones Naturally
A Remarkable Gift From Nature
The initial experience from taking Ormalite begins with a calm, centered, energizing effect that flowers into a more open-hearted, gentle sense of well-being.
Any human being, young or old, can inspire and successfully affect an improvement in the world – without leaving home.
A Private Consultation Transcript on the April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse
How to Heal Your Life and Change the World
(producing personal results within minutes)
The Gentle Art of Self-Healing
Even if you went to a conscious dentist, cleansing heavy metal vapors from your system is essential to preserving long-term health
Plus 5 New Ways to Enhance Your Fast to Quickly Bounce Back from Holiday Stress, Food, and Drink
Urgent Actions Required!
Grasp Pivotal Revelations Crucial to the Restoration of Humanity and the Earth and What You Can Do to Improve the Outcome
Composed of some of Nature's most effective health-building herbs and clays, Stamina! is foundational to any health protocol.
The 7 Primary Causes of Physical Discomfort and Their Solutions
Grasp the Power of Whole Earthen Resources to Build Health Naturally
With the first sign of fatigue, shortness of breath, inflammation, sore throat, or flu-like symptoms the following guidelines provide a strong boost to the immune system for as rapid a turn around as possible.
Nature has not abandoned us. There are solutions among earthen resources to virtually every malady, even man-made ones.
10 Key Aspects of a Comprehensive Detoxification & Restoration Protocol
Today's Life Chat focuses on the practical aspects of ascension, how it takes place, and what we each must “see’ in order to qualify for the experience.