It is obvious that our civilization is in the midst of a radical transformation. We are at a crossroad.
The path we choose will determine our future destiny as a global community.
This book is the record of a conversation between myself and Celius, a solar being of light and potential future self, who once traversed the time we are in during his own soul journey.
I am asking some pointed questions about the obvious demise of our civilization and what our responsibility is as individual participants, if we are to improve on the dire outcome that faces us today.
Prologue: Background on How This Dialog Came About
Chapter One: We Will Learn Our Lesson This Time
”Greater revelations will be brought out with a speed and volume
unlike any time in history prior to this one."
Chapter Two: Food, Water, Electricity, Weather, and Financial Events
“This is not a warning, it is already too late to prevent
much of what I have just described.”
Chapter Three: Geological Events, Weather-Related Disruptions,
and the Departure of Souls
“Evolution is the overarching directive principle.”
Chapter Four: More on the Departure of Souls from Planet Earth
“What you will encounter in the next few years of your life
will be the greatest transformation in human history.”
Chapter Five: Ecology, Energy Production, and What It Will Take
to Save a Majority of Our Population Today
“What is important, is that you recognize what degree of
personal inner work will be necessary for even a small group
of souls to be more powerfully influential.”
Chapter Six: The Shift of The Ages
“We are not willing to do this for you. You have a role to play
in your own evolution as a human species.”
Chapter Seven: Genocide and the War For Your Soul
“You will not be able to make a change outwardly, without changing
your inner selves first.”
“To access the power of your true spirit, you must have visited
your darkest nights, and selected the response of love and truth
at those very depths within.”
“The power to change the world is in the willingness to change yourselves.”
Chapter Ten: Requirements for Participating in the Golden Age“A great equalizing will occur.”
Chapter Eleven: The Restoration of the Earth, Assistance from
the Stars & From Within the Earth, Alien Invasion, and the
Universal Council of Origins
“Join the crowd of witnesses who have only your best interest at heart—
those who cheer you on to greater heights of evolution as a soul, as you
solve the problems that challenge your civilization at this great transitionary
junction in human history.”
Chapter Twelve: Obstacles to Ascension, the Powers of Life,
and the Art of Light
“Do you see the magnitude of power available to you to address
all manner of evil? It is hinged to a recognition of the unity of
all life everywhere.”
Chapter Thirteen: My Personal Inner Healing Process
“You came forth from my bosom, therefore we are one.”
Epilogue: The Secret to Exiting the Matrix
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