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1st Strike Long COVID Recovery Protocol

March 03, 2023 19 min read

With the first sign of fatigue, shortness of breath, inflammation, sore throat, or flu-like symptoms the following guidelines provide a strong boost to the immune system for as rapid a turn around as possible.

Comments from a 71+ year old hockey player, still in the game due to his commitment to a goal, and to a quality whole earthen nutritional program:

Michael - I'm 2 1/2 half years into your program and I often have wondered what my health would be like today if I’d not started your program.

I started skating at age 4, played the hockey amateur leagues until age 33 when career and family time took priority.

Switched to a running regimen for 30 years — then dusted off the blades and switched entirely back to skating and hockey.

After 4 years of training by age 69 I finally got my senior version of “hockey mojo” back, playing in our “Over 45 League” as one of its leaders.

I'll be returning back this week to league play after a 6 month break/slowdown, principally driven by Covid carryover. This return to hockey as a senior has felt more challenging than playing in college - and my return from Covid carryover has been brutal. So worth it.

Thank goodness for the Vitality program - critical to my health and fitness foundation, of which without it none of this late life hockey would be happening. 

I’m very grateful for the program you’ve developed over your professional life and brought to the market to make people like me so happy.

And I’m further grateful for you taking the time through all our communications to help me understand how it works, and just as importantly how our bodies work. I’ve been truly enlightened, and the process continues. So many thanks for all your help.


As a side note, Rick's request for a program at a critical moment in his life, was the inspiration for developing the 1st Strike Long COVID Recovery Protocol

Topics covered in this protocol:

General Dietary Protocol

1st Strike Green Beverage Protocol

Herbal Formula 1st Strike Protocol Additions

Bath, Body Slurry, and Body Wrap Detoxification

Non-Herbal Complementary Therapies

A detailed description of the reasoning behind the 1st Strike Protocol can be found at "My Personal Prevention and Recovery Protocol for Long COVID and Other Maladies" video and article.

General Dietary Protocol

Upon the very first slight symptoms of a cold or flu (dry throat, sluggish energy, chills, light-headedness, brain fog, sinus congestion, heart palpitations or weakness, nerve pain, inflammation, difficulty catching a breath, etc.), begin the following preventative measures to:

1) boost immune response powers to the max

2) alkalize the body

3) flush out toxin buildup that may be contributing to the generation of these symptoms.

4) increase adaptogenic herbal formulas for foundational energy


All hard to digest, mucus forming foods need to be eliminated for the time being (including dairy, meat, nuts, rice, fats, and oils, except for coconut oil).

Doing so will reduce the phlegm, sinus, and lung congestion. It will reduce the burden on the digestive system, and allow the body to concentrate what energy you have left on strengthening your innate immune response powers.

(Yes, the chicken soup thing is a myth, and is not helpful at a time like this. It is just comforting for some, but only adds heavily degraded fats, and in some cases, concentrated toxins from the raising process, and animal flesh that add unnecessary burdens on the digestive and immune systems at a time when a milder diet is required).


All sweet fruits, citrus, granular sugars, liquid sweeteners, maple syrup, honey, etc. need to be eliminated for the time being.

Switch to powders of cinnamon, licorice, green leaf stevia as these will boost immune response powers, improve circulation, and stimulate hormone production.

Concentrated sugars depress the functioning power of the immune system, literally causing the white blood cells to go catatonic (immobile). White blood cells are ones that tackle pathogens and eliminate them.

Acidic Fruits, Foods, and Beverages 

With the exception of lemon, all acidic fruit, food, and beverages need to be eliminated so as to improve the pH levels without having to counter an acid from the diet to get there.

This includes oranges and orange juice, grapefruit and grapefruit juice, other fruits and fruit juices – even cranberry juice. They will merely extend the length of an illness due to the sugars (that feed bacteria) and acidity (at a time when the body is already acidic).

Caffeinated Beverages

Eliminate all caffeinated beverages – especially coffee (which is responsible for many people coming down with cold or flu symptoms due to the acidity alone of coffee, which is then compounded for some by adding sugar and cream that suppress the immune system and congest the body).

Replace these with detox teas, like Hyssop-Pine Tea, Pine Needle Tea, and Sumaraj Tea. Drink calming teas, like Lemon Balm (the GABA herb), Oat Straw, Chamomile, Poppy Leaf, etc. so the body can relax and rest.

Low energy is a sign your body is wanting to rest, so as to conserve its energetic reserves for the restoration of health.

Natural Energy Sources

Take power naps, walks, and adaptogenic herbs for energy instead – beginning with Stamina!Adaptogen & Mushroom Blend, and Adrenal Revive.

Additional resources that provide a positive hormonal boost and build constitutional strength include Revitalize For Women / Men, and Vitallite Clay.  

Breads & Pastas

Eliminate breads and pasta. These are generally too acidic and tend to have a descending/weakening effect on the body at a time that you need strength to gain the upper hand.

Rice is highly congesting and will only make matters worse during a head cold.

Most grains grown in America, unless grown organically far from conventional crops, are laced with Roundup, and are the major contributing factor to Celiac, SIBO, intestinal tumors, along with blood and neurological disorders.

Prior to a heavy workout, I tend to refuse even our homemade sourdough Einkorn bread (the original grain) due to the slight weakening effect of breads. I then have more strength and endurance, and have been able to easily move 2-5 ton of clay material by hand, simply by following these dietary restraints and immune building protocols prior to and during days of intense workout. 

Quinoa and amaranth are exceptions to this general grain guideline and will be helpful during a stressful cold or flu event, when all the spare strength available is needed to restore balance. 

Meals and Spices

Concentrate meals on steamed potatoes (some sweet, but mostly white, red, gold, purple, etc.), and thick vegetarian soups, seasoned with salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, coconut oil (after cooking), and common antimicrobial garden spices (thyme, curry, rosemary, oregano, marjoram, basil, sage, garlic, onions, etc.) that will boost your immune system.

Also concentrate on fresh and steamed vegetables with similar spices. These common spices are highly medicinal (and can easily be grown in most any back or front yard). All of them tend to be deer proof, btw, due to their aromatic oils that repel the deer.


Simply reduce food intake or fast if hunger is absent.

Although my personal experience is that I progress much faster through the stages of an illness or inflammation when large amounts of herbal formulas are taken, than when fasting without herbal support.  

(When taking large amounts of encapsulated herbal formulas, some bulky food is needed to mix with the formulas in order to prevent nausea, typically 45 minutes later.)

The right group of whole earthen herbal/mineral sources and non-herbal therapeutic measures (mentioned below) can build up the body's immune responses high enough to reduce symptoms rapidly, compared to fasting, or attempting to use the more commonly suggested supplements among natural health circles.   

What follows is a recommended approach to addressing any and all maladies, old or new. It is designed to upgrade all major systems in the body so they can preform their required functions efficiently and effectively. 

The approach adds supportive influences to the body's:

  • Detoxification System

  • Immune System

  • Cardiovascular System

  • Digestive System

  • Lymphatic System

  • Hormonal System

  • Nervous System

  • Energy Metabolism

Most will notice an improved sense of well being with the first round. For some it may be subtle, for others it will feel more pronounced.

With daily use of this protocol the energy levels build, and gradually over time, the body gets strong enough to clean out the offending toxic substances, correct imbalances, and grow in strength.

Each of the body systems are being fed with thousands of nutrients that can be used by the body to build its own medicines, clean house, and restore efficient working order.

1st Strike Green Beverage Protocol

Immediately upon noticing the first sign of an illness or physiological stress developing, begin the 1st Strike Green Beverage Protocol. Here are just a few early signs:

  • dry throat, or tickle in the throat, or sinus/lung congestion/drippiness (all signs of pathogen overgrowth from excessive toxins or a poor diet)
  • loss of internal drive, sluggishness (signs of spleen overwhelm and adrenal fatigue from pathogens, toxins, and an acidic condition)
  • loss of taste or smell (a sign of low zinc)
  • difficulty catching the breath (a sign of spleen weakness)
  • brain fog (often from metal and chemical toxins, pathogen overload, EMF exposure, and body acidity)

  • inflammation (the body's natural response to toxins and pathogens)
  • getting winded easily with pressure on the heart (often a sign of chemical and metal toxins, pathogens, or mineral electrolyte deficiencies interfering with heart function, and sometimes due to poor quality or excessive amounts of fat, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, or food combining conflicts in the diet) 

The 1st Strike Green Beverage Protocol

Take a 16 oz (half liter) jar, or larger, with a lid.

Fill halfway with pure, filtered, structured water.

Squeeze a wedge or more, up to 1/2 of an organic lemon, into the water, along with some organic lemon peel zest, if desired, for an extra immune boost.

(The peel has an abundance of a monoterpene called “limonene” with numerous immune boosting, anti-pathogen, and other beneficial properties.)

BTW, Limonene is also found in the pine family of trees. Pine needles are now in Stamina!Hyssop Pine Tea, and the new Parasite-Venom Detox formula (for parasites and spider/bee/snake bites).

Add the following (start with the lesser quantities to test the formulation, then increase as desired):

  • 1 tsp to 1 Tbsp of Stamina! (all around cellular cleanse and revitalizer)

  • 1 tsp to 1 Tbsp of Adrenal Revive (especially beneficial for adrenal upgrade and restoration)

  • 1 tsp to 1 Tbsp of Earth & Sea Greens or Vital Cleanse & Nutrify (complete alkalizing nutrition with thousands of nutritional compounds)

  • 1 tsp to 1 Tbsp of Herbal C (whole herbs naturally high in Vitamin C)

  • 1 tsp to 1 Tbsp of Mineral Manna (excellent for remineralizing the body and absorbing/neutralizing heavy metals and chemicals)

  • (optional) 1/4 teaspoon of Organic Konjac Powder (essential fiber for keeping the bowels moving during this critical time of health recovery). 1 tsp to 1 Tbsp of Organic Psyllum Husks is an option for some. 

  • Chia seeds and nuts are NOT recommended during a crisis period due to the way seeds and nuts, in excess, can accelerate pathogen replication (due to their high arginine content).

  • 1/8 teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper of any potency (to increase whole body circulation, oxygenation, and pathogen reduction). Increase over time to maximum tolerance, for the fastest recovery

  • A pinch of Sea Salt or other whole salt (for additional minerals and pathogen reduction powers)

  • Add Licorice Root powder and/or Green Leaf Stevia powder to improve flavor and increase the medicinal properties of the mix.

Shake in a lidded jar or blend in a Ninja-type blender.

Gargle with the first two or three mouthfuls to get the Cayenne and other ingredients to kill the pathogens in the throat, alkalize and oxygenate the area, increase circulation throughout the body, and support the body’s natural defenses.

It will burn for a brief period of about 30 seconds to a minute, indicating it is working.

Consume the rest of the drink, or save some for later. This formula immediately lifts the spirits, increases optimism, and calms the stress of life.

Based on the severity of symptoms, repeat this same procedure every 2-4 hours.

In most instances you will notice the immediate lessening of symptoms, or a complete disappearance of them (if caught in the very early stages).

It may take a nap to see some results. Sleep generates accelerated restoration due to the melatonin produced during sleep. This regenerative function is amplified by various ingredients within the program.

In combination with the herbal regimen below, the restorative influence is magnified by sleeping.

The longer the cold or flu has been developing, the longer it takes to see results, yet the regimen shortens the duration and lessens its severity, typically noticed from the first day and night. Although there are still normal cycles of increasing and decreasing symptoms with any malady, based on the body's innate reaction to the condition it is attempting to rebalance.

Herbal Formula 1st Strike Protocol Additions

Other herbal formulas of importance to support your immune responses and to detox offending toxic elements are identified here.

Not all are required to be successful. Select from the list what draws you:

Digestive Bitters – Take 1-3 capsules prior to, or with, each meal, and again in the evening before bed.

If a meal does not feel like it is digesting well, another 1-2 capsules can be taken after the meal.

Take less with light meals (salads, fruit), and more with hard to digest meals (meat, nuts, cheese, eggs).

Do not exceed 12 capsules over the course of a day.

Note: At some point, taking too many bitter herbs will mimic the symptoms that are relieved at the lesser doses (similar to homeopathic proving).

The first sign of an overdose of Digestive Bitters might be discomfort felt in the liver area (gall bladder). If this is noticed, then simply stop taking the bitters and replace the daily amount with Herbal C. This tends to restore balance within a few hours or overnight.

Benefits of Digestive Bitters:

  • The bitter herbs in Digestive Bitters stimulate bile from the liver, which in turn help improve smooth bowel movements approximately 24 hours after taking the formula, unless taken just before bed, in which the effects are noticed mid-morning the next day.
  • Bile is used by the liver to encapsulate chemicals, heavy metals, viruses, parasites, bacteria, mold, yeast, and fungus, thereby isolating them until they pass from the body safely.
  • In this manner the bitter herbs in Digestive Bitters ease the strain on the liver in its function of purifying the blood of toxic waste and pathogens.
  • Bile is needed to facilitate the digestion of oils and fats prior to entering the bloodstream, which also helps to clear the arteries of plaque buildup, and facilitate the reduction of cellulite throughout the body.
  • Everyone who needs to lose cellulite begins to slim down when taking Digestive Bitters regularly.
  • The digestive spices in Digestive Bitters are known to activate the production of digestive enzymes from the pancreas, liver, stomach, and intestines, thus eliminating the need for enzyme supplements.

Immune Power – Take 6-12 capsules (1/2-1 Tbsp) with each of the above 1st Strike Green Beverages (every 2-4 hours).

(Note: Due to numerous strongly bitter or aromatic herbs in the formula, Immune Power is not easily consumed in powder form. Most people prefer capsules.)

  • There is no overdose amount with Immune Power (even with 100 capsules a day), and we have not seen a die-off reaction from its use, just more energy, a clearer head and a brighter spirit by morning.

  • Provides a broad spectrum immune system support by increasing the body’s defense mechanism activity many fold (as has been observed in live blood analysis).

  • Can be safely taken in amounts of 48-100 capsules over the course of a day for the fastest results, thus significantly reducing the length of an illness.

  • Provides an increased immune response without detox side effects, even with large amounts.

  • Supports the body to deal with pathogens of all kinds (bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungus, mold, mycoplasma, parasites, prions, etc.)

  • Taken along side Cayenne Pepper, beneficial results are magnified and accelerated.

  • For insights on how to strengthen your immune system go to: 20 Ways to Build a Powerful Immune System

Parasite-Venom Detox – Take 2-4 capsules (1/2-1 tsp) with each of the above 1st Strike Green Beverages (every 2-4 hours). 

Topically: Moisten any amount and apply topically to a bite or sting.

  • Herbs in Parasite-Venom Detox include several natural herbal anthelmintics (anti-parasiticals), along with anti-venom herbs recognized historically to be effective against spider bites, bee stings, and snake bites.
  • The formula is taken internally as a preventative measure or after the fact, and can be applied externally in the form of a poultice following a bite or sting. 
  • Assists in clearing pathogenic agents and venom from the brain, bowels, bloodstream, and tissues.
  • Enhances the body's own natural defenses against venomous bites and stings.
  • Serves as one of the most important nutritional therapies for Long COVID.
  • Taken with Cayenne Pepper and Digestive Bitters the effectiveness is further increased.

Black Seed Combo – Take 2-4 capsules (1/2-1 tsp) with each of the above 1st Strike Green Beverages (every 2-4 hours). Do not take more than 12 capsules (1 Tbsp) in a day, as this is a potent formula.

An excess tends to cause some lethargy due to detoxification overload. In proper amounts the spirit is lifted and the body is more gently cleared of pathogenic and toxic influences.

Take clay baths and body slurries to counter any detox effects (discussed below).

  • Black Seed Combo acts as an immune stimulant to compliment the more general immune support functions of Immune Power.
  • (Black Seed Combo is not recommended for autoimmune conditions due to the herbs in it that are recognized as immune stimulants.)

Friendly Flora – Take 2-4 capsules (1/2-1 tsp) with each of the above 1st Strike Green Beverages (every 2-4 hours) to a maximum of 24 caps per day. An excess may slow the bowels initially, though normally, with the combined program (including Digestive Bitters) this is seldom an issue.

  • Provides the humic and fulvic acids and numerous vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and prebiotics which boost the immune system’s protective powers.

  • Humic & Fulvic Acids in Friendly Flora are known to promote nutrient assimilation, facilitate detoxification, and are well known to speed recovery during times of additional stress. 

Deep Level Cleanse – Take 2-4 capsules (1/2-1 tsp) with each of the above 1st Strike Green Beverages (every 2-4 hours). Maximum of 24 caps (2 Tbsp) per day.

  • Promotes the detoxification of chemicals, toxins, and inflammation held within the deep regions of organs and glands, thus freeing them to perform their normal protective functions more efficiently.

  • It is important to be taking clay baths and clay body slurries on a regular basis during any detoxification program.

Adaptogen & Mushroom Blend – Take 2-4 capsules (1/2-1 tsp) with each of the above 1st Strike Green Beverages (every 2-4 hours). The powder can be added to the Beverage if desired.

  • Adaptogens and mushrooms serve to modulate and balance immune system responses and hormone balance in the body, while providing a gentle, increasing boost of energy that peaks at the 5 hour point.

  • Supports the production and balance of hormones throughout the entire endocrine system.

  • Supports immune system responses by modulating immune activity to balance both over and under activity.

  • Improves energy levels with a calm, smooth level of endurance.

  • Promotes detoxification.

  • Helps to normalize cortisol production so that cortisol is active during the day and turns off at night. 

  • To understand why Hormone Replacement Therapy is neither wise nor necessary go to: The Pros and Cons of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and Glandular Extracts

Sea Vegetable Blend plus Moringa – Take 2-4 capsules (1/2-1 tsp) with each of the above 1st Strike Green Beverages (every 2-4 hours). 

Best taken in capsules as the flavor is strong on the seaweedy side.

  • Provides a complete source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, iodine, selenium, zinc, etc. to support the immune system, the thyroid, the adrenal glands, and hormone balance overall.

  • Protein levels of seaweeds and algae can reach as high as 47%.
  • Keeps the body at the perfect pH of 7.35-7.45, which also helps to maintain the proper thinness or fluidity in the blood.

  • Herbs in this formula have been shown through studies and observed through historical usage to:

  • Increase electrical voltage at the cellular level resulting in improved energy levels and greater resistance to disease.

  • Be extremely effective at neutralizing heavy metals, radiation, and chemical pollutants.

  • Provide a boost to the body’s innate immune response powers.

  • Supply iodine along with selenium and other nutrients for maximum protection of the thyroid, thereby providing a superior alternative to liquid iodine drops.

  • Support hormone production naturally throughout the entire endocrine system.

  • To discover how sea vegetables can provide a superior alternative for Omega Fatty Acids over fish liver oils go to: Nature’s Best Sources for Omega Fatty Acids – Sea Vegetables!

Spleen Builder – Take 2-4 capsules (1/2-1 tsp) with each of the above 1st Strike Green Beverages (every 2-4 hours).

  • The spleen regulates the use of iron in the body, the breakdown and recycling of spent red blood cells, the extraction of bilirubin from the blood cells for the making of bile, and is considered the body’s largest lymphatic gland.

  • The spleen plays a central role in immune system effectiveness and lymph drainage.

  • Improves morning alertness upon waking.

  • Supports oil and fat metabolism.

  • As the body’s largest lymph gland, the spleen supports natural antibody production to counter pathogens.

  • Facilitates lymphatic detoxification of cellular waste.

  • Promotes mucus reduction, clogged sinus relief, etc.

  • Improves circulation to the extremities, warming the hands and feet.

  • Increases a feeling of groundedness, thus reducing spaciness and lightheadedness.

  • Generates electrical energy for the adrenal glands, promoting hormone production.

  • Improves energy levels, thus combating chronic fatigue.

  • Supports the manufacture of bile by the liver and the digestion of fats and oils, reducing mucus throughout the body.

Revitalize For Women / Men – Take 2-4 capsules (1/2-1 tsp) with each of the above 1st Strike Green Beverages (every 2-4 hours).

  • Supports the production and balance of hormones throughout the entire endocrine system.
  • Adaptogenic herbs and mushrooms modulate immune system responses to balance both over and under activity.
  • Improves energy levels with a calm, smooth level of endurance gradually building to a peak at 5 hours.
  • Adaptogens help to create and maintain both estrogen and testosterone in balanced levels based on your unique physiological requirements.
  • Adaptogens help to normalize cortisol production so that cortisol is active during the day and turns off at night. 

Hyssop-Pine Tea – Add 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of the herbal tea blend to 16 ounces (0.5 liter) of water. Bring to a simmer, then turn off the heat and let steep until cool enough to drink. Add lemon if desired.

Consume throughout the day as desired.

A second and third pour of boiled water can be made over the original 2 tablespoons, or simply add another tablespoon or two to the original amount for a stronger brew.

  • Can be consumed as often as desired anytime day or evening to detoxify the deep tissues within organs, especially the liver, blood, and lungs.

  • Hyssop is known to catalyze a deep organ cleansing of heat, inflammation, and toxins.

  • Pine needles boost immune response powers and assist in cleansing toxins from the body. They also provide over 700 nutritional and medicinal compounds.

  • Promotes excellent respiratory health (helps improve breathing and clear passageways).

  • Adding ginger or Cayenne Pepper is an option to improve detoxification and circulatory efficiency.

  • In large amounts will promote night sweats between 2 and 4 in the morning as a natural, safe detoxification process.

  • With daily use of Hyssop-Pine Tea some of the toxins may get pushed to the skin producing tiny red, itchy spots on the abdomen and back. Simply rub some moist Sacred Clay over the spot to draw the toxin out of the body and eliminate the itch (only takes a few seconds after application).

Using Clay to Reduce Detox Side Effects

Important Note: It is advised to perform a body slurry (below) with Sacred Clay in the shower, or just before a clay bath, everyday you are on this intensive 1st Strike Protocol in order to stay ahead of the detoxification process.

This allows for the rapid removal of toxins all over the body at once through the skin, thus relieving the burden on the liver, kidneys, blood, and lymphatic glands, and reducing the chance of reabsorbing the toxins being released. 

Bath, Body Slurry, and Body Wrap
Detoxification with Sacred Clay
 & Black Beauty 

Bath Kit (Sacred Clay & Black Beauty) – perform one or more of the following clay detoxification approaches daily, so as to keep the eliminative channel of the skin clear by removing the surface toxins released daily that are generated by this protocol. 

Clay Bath:

Sacred Clay - Add 1/4 cup to the bathwater and soak for 20-40 minutes or more daily, or at least twice per week.

Add 2 tablespoons of Black Beauty to increase electrolytes in the water, and thus improve detoxification efficiency.

Body Slurry prior to a bath or shower:

Prior to entering the bathtub or shower, make a paste (with 2 parts Sacred Clay to 1 part water) in a plastic bowl with a lid.

  • Keep in the shower or tub and take a small handful to rub over all the skin surfaces after wetting the body down.
  • Stay outside the stream or bath for 1 or more minutes to let the clay absorb toxins from the skin and fat layers just below the skin. Then shower or bathe. Can be performed daily.
  • A bath daily, or at least twice per week, coupled with a 1-5 minute Body Slurry each day (with a shower or bath) is an effective lymph/skin detoxification program.

Body Wrap:

Make a paste similar to the Body Slurry above. Black Beauty is not required but may be added at a much reduced ratio compared to the amount for a bath (1 teaspoon of Black Beauty per 1/3 cup of Sacred Clay is the maximum ratio. More than that may result in the salts burning the skin with a long duration of contact).

  • Spread over the whole body. Lie down on top of an old sheet and wrap the remainder of the sheet around you. Cover with blankets to remain comfortable. Remain with the clay for 45 minutes or more as desired.
  • The clay will be dry and may crack off on the way to the tub. Wrapping the body in plastic wrap or gauze over the clay is an option, if preferred, to extend the moisture in the clay.
  • Rinse the clay off in the bathwater and soak for another 15 minutes or more as desired to remove remaining toxins that are close to the skin but did not get out of the body after ~45 minutes of the wrap.
  • Serves as an intensive deep level lymph/skin detoxification program.
  • Once toxins are removed from the skin surface (which for some will take two or more clay applications), you may notice your skin becoming softer, blemish-free, and younger looking.
  • To further improve the condition of the skin, use melted coconut oil, or other oil, in place of water to moisten the clay to a thick paste before applying to the face or skin surface.
  • (BTW, This is one of your best anti-aging solutions for the skin by reducing skin toxins while stimulating cellular regeneration with the silica and minerals in the Sacred Clay, especially when combined with a quality skin oil of any kind.)

Non-Herbal Complementary Therapies 

Most sources of water hydrate the body very slowly, typically over the span of 72 hours.

There are two inexpensive water modification approaches that accelerate the hydration capacity of water by widening the H2O bonding angle to 122º and reducing the size of the molecular group of water molecules to under 4 nm, making it possible for the water to enter the cells within 10-30 minutes.

Doing so increases the hydration capacity of water by at least 23%. 

Water is required for effective detoxification and cellular energy. Here are two ways to accomplish rapid hydration for these purposes: 

CDS Activated Mineral Solution water purification drops.  
Add 1-2 drops per 8 ounce (240ml or more) of water and consume therapeutically once every 2 hours, replacing normal water usage, to purify internal water and quickly oxygenate the body.

Combined with the above water restructuring approaches the body is given the best chance of remaining fully hydrated and oxygenated.

Ivermectin - 2-3 12mg tabs per day until symptoms subside. All Day Chemist
Ivermectin is merely a soil-based probiotic that has been used successfully for over 70 years.

Niacin (Vitamin B3, nicotinic acid) is available in most healthfood stores.
Niacin has a natural flushing effect, a bit stronger than Cayenne, which one will need to adjust to for the best effects.

Its primary benefit is the flushing of past venoms out of the system (which can remain in the system for 10 years or longer), and as a protective measure when interacting with the public.

Niacin can optionally be used as a complementary protocol with the Parasite-Venom Detox formula, in that it provides a quantity of nicotinic acid needed to flush venoms from the system quickly. The Parasite-Venom Detox formula functions in a similar capacity, only working through other detox channels.

Niacinamide B3 can be used as a non-flushing alternative, if preferred, with diminished benefits.

Some prefer the use of 3.5 mg Nicotine Patches, (1/2 of a 7 mg patch), although they contain chemicals I prefer not to absorb into my body.

------   ---   ------

This entire above program can be utilized as a 1st Strike Long COVID Recovery Protocol.

I understand it is comprehensive, and may only be able to be done in part. Yet, any portion of this protocol will provide something needed by the body to clean house and restore balance. 

Listen carefully to your own intuition. Start small and work your way up to a program and amounts that work best for you. 

Many blessings of health and success,
Enjoy the many gifts from Nature!

Michael King
Michael King

Michael King is a Life Enrichment Consultant, a natural intuitive, a researcher of Nature's most powerful healing resources the world over, the author of "Detoxify, Nourish & Build – Three Essentials for Vibrant Health", the Vital Health News Updates – a periodic newsletter documenting the most life-building natural resources on the planet, The Blessing Transformation, and the co-author of Life Chats with Oversoul – an ongoing dialogue designed to gain clarity and direction while navigating the immense changes going into the New Era. Michael is also an advocate of sustainable gardening, environmental responsibility, and an architect of ways to increase global food production.

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