Possessing over 700 nutritional compounds, the therapeutic value of the pine tree has a longstanding reputation dating back thousands of years.
Both indigenous and modern civilizations have utilized the needles, bark, wood, cones, pollen, seeds, and the resinous sap of the pine tree for medicine, food, and wound healing.
Natural Wisdom & Real World Answers
(Video & Transcript)
Including Increased Longevity, A Healthier Heart, a Stronger Immune System, Less Inflammation, and Higher Levels of Vitamins A, D, E, and K.
How to use these two
precious gifts from Nature!
The 7 Primary Causes of Physical Discomfort and Their Solutions
Grasp the Power of Whole Earthen Resources to Build Health Naturally
With the first sign of fatigue, shortness of breath, inflammation, sore throat, or flu-like symptoms the following guidelines provide a strong boost to the immune system for as rapid a turn around as possible.
Nature has not abandoned us. There are solutions among earthen resources to virtually every malady, even man-made ones.
10 Key Aspects of a Comprehensive Detoxification & Restoration Protocol
Cayenne Pepper is One of Nature's Most Remarkable Natural Remedies Possessing a Wide Range of Fast-Acting Upgrades to Your Health
Michael's Personal Story Discovering the Natural Secrets of Whole Earthen Resources
Points of interest and procedure during a Private Consultation with Michael King
Our focus will be on upgrading overall health, during which the body will then simply heal itself of any specifics (assuming you follow all of Nature's requirements for your unique situation). The focus is on building overall health the way Nature does. In my book, this is the only way to build true health, regardless of any specifics.