Vitality Herbs & Clay is a private membership organization. Your participation within this site is protected by your Eternal Law right to privacy and freewill choice - - 541-482-9633 or 888-325-1475
Vitality Herbs & Clay is a private membership organization. Your participation within this site is protected by your Eternal Law right to privacy and freewill choice - - 541-482-9633 or 888-325-1475
The truth is, not a single product, natural or otherwise (including every one mentioned on this site) is capable of healing the human body. Neither a herb, a clay, a vitamin or mineral supplement, a seaweed or algae, an organic food, nor any other substance is capable of healing the body. In every instance, the body will take the nutrition given it, break it down into millions of pieces...
View, print or download a PDF copy of the Vitality Herbs and Clay Retail Catalog Price list and Ingredients & Usage:
VHC Catalog - Price List - Jan-7-25.pdf for printing.
VHC Catalog - Ingredients & Usage 3-18-25.pdf for printing.
Product orders may be placed online,
or by calling the office 10-4 M-F Pacific Time:
(541) 482-9633 or (888) 325-1475.
All of our formulas are made only with CGW ingredients (consciously grown without chemicals, certified organic or wildcrafted).
A kit of two products: Sacred Clay & Black Beauty Bath Additive
Sacred Clay Ingredients: 100% naturally occurring clay from a singular deposit near the region of Crater Lake Oregon.
Black Beauty Ingredients: Ocean Magnesium, Epsom Salt (earthen source), Sacred Clay, Himalayan Salt, Humic & Fulvic Earth, Activated Charcoal, Vitallite, Ormalite
Recommended Use:
Baths: The usual combination of 2 parts Sacred Clay (1/4 cup/60 ml) to 1 part Black Beauty (1/8 cup/30 ml) is an ideal mixture. Multiples of this ratio may also be added to the bath water for a stronger detoxifying experience.
Soak for 30-45 minutes or more in comfortably warm water. Baths may be taken daily or as often as desired to make steady, gradual progress toward whole body detoxification.
Skin Application (facials, body/organ packs, foot poultice, body slurry): Dilute Black Beauty with Sacred Clay 16 to 1 to prevent the risk of burning the skin with the salts when left on for a length of time (1/3 cup SC to 1 teaspoon BB, or 1 cup SC to 1 tablespoon BB) (80 ml SC to 5 ml BB, or 240 ml SC to 15 ml BB).
If a burning sensation from the salts on sensitive skin persists, remix and double the amount of Sacred Clay in the ratio.
Optional Uses for the Spent Bath Water: Spent bath water can also be used to water your houseplants and gardens, resulting in an improvement in plant growth and microbial activity in the soil.
Keep the Black Beauty container closed when not in use to prevent moisture or humidity from melting the magnesium flakes. Melting, however, will not affect performance. Safe for both septic systems and city drains. May tingle on the skin for the first 2-3 minutes.
Dilute spent skin application material to bath water consistency and apply to garden, trees, shrubs and grass to enhance growth (or toss the spent material into your next bath to increase its detoxification potency).
Precautions: Black Beauty is not designed for internal use or to be used alone on the skin due to its high salt content, which may burn the skin if left on too long.
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