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Q&A: What is the Best Calcium to Magnesium Ratio in a Supplement, 2-1 or 1-1?

August 23, 2019 19 min read

How to achieve mineral balance and the best sources to draw from to ensure ideal mineral ratios in the body overall

Topics in this article include:

Minerals are Highly Interactive With Each Other in a Co-Dependent Fashion
A Balance of Mineral Ratios
Integrated Balance Naturally Built Into Whole Earthen Resources
The Basic Building Blocks of Nature – Minerals, Metals, and Gases
So, how many mg of calcium and magnesium do I need everyday to maintain proper balance? 
The Prime Minerals Associated with Calcium and Magnesium Functions in the Body
Interactions of Critical Minerals and Metals with Symptoms of Excess and Deficiency
Calcium Benefits plus Excess & Deficiency Symptoms
Magnesium Benefits plus Excess & Deficiency Symptoms
Potassium Benefits plus Excess & Deficiency Symptoms
Phosphorous Benefits plus Excess & Deficiency Symptoms
What to Do When Symptoms Reveal that Our Mineral Ratios Are Out of Balance
A Personal Example of Depleting Electrolytes Leading to Muscle Cramps 
What do I do if my blood test shows I am high or low in calcium or magnesium?
So, What's the Answer? 

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There are several factors that affect the presence of both calcium and magnesium in the blood. Therefore, the intake of either calcium or magnesium, or both together, will not solve a deficiency of either mineral in the body. The bigger picture will have to be examined to solve this riddle. 

Minerals are Highly Interactive With Each Other in a Co-Dependent Fashion

For instance, sulfur is naturally modified in the body by calcium, iron, selenium, copper, and molybdenum. Every mineral and metal is either enhanced or nullified by one or more elements, that are then enhanced or nullified by an additional group of elements and so on...

This natural chain reaction effect can wreak havoc on the human biological terrain for those taking typical vitamin and mineral formulas and other forms of isolated, extracted nutrients. Why is this true?

Based on common homeopathic proving principles, too much of a specific nutrient will produce the negative symptoms typical of what the perfect amount would otherwise resolve, while too little will not be sufficient to achieve desired healing. 

At the same time, the beneficial effects of one mineral are always dependent on how well it is offset by, balanced by, or combined with another mineral, amino acid, vitamin, etc. 

For example, too much or too little calcium can lead to weak or brittle bones and cavity-prone teeth. The perfect amount of calcium in perfect balance with the ideal amounts of magnesium, phosphorus, boron, silica, and other required minerals and nutrients (like vitamin D) results in the development of strong bones and healthy, cavity-free teeth. 

A Balance of Mineral Ratios

The point is, too much of any one mineral can throw off the availability or workability of several other minerals and disrupt equilibrium within the human biological terrain.

This is simply due to the fact that the entire Periodic Chart of 100+ minerals, metals, and gasses are interrelated. Sometimes they work for each other (to increase bioavailability) and sometimes they neutralize each other (central to heavy metal detoxification). They function as both antagonists and protagonists within their own group – the mineral kingdom. 

This entire interrelationship is based on ratios. For example, today's typically high calcium diet (primarily from dairy) is also commonly coupled with calcium supplementation and is therefore complicit in an increase of heart attacks, stroke, and sudden death.

This surprising fact, backed up by extensive research, is primarily due to the way an excess of calcium suppresses other critical minerals required in the maintenance of good health. Contrary to common belief, a high level of calcium is also complicit in causing brittle bones.

Magnesium is Nature’s natural calcium blocker. Yet too much magnesium, as can be received from a single mineral magnesium supplement consumed regularly, can result in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and other side effects like poor blood clotting. Exceptionally large doses might cause an irregular heartbeat, low blood pressure, confusion, slowed breathing, coma, and even death.

What counts in the mineral kingdom is not a mineral abundance, but a mineral balance of ratios with respect to all minerals related to physical health.

Integrated Balance Naturally Built Into Whole Earthen Resources

Delicate balancing relationships between minerals and phytonutrients are already built by Nature into whole foods and earthen resources. The minerals naturally found in chemical-free whole foods and herbs, or earthen sources like clays, humic substances, and unrefined sea salt, are already composed of balanced mineral ratios designed to promote ideal health in the human body. 

When the body is fed an unnatural abundance of one or two minerals, a chain reaction of detrimental effects on the usability or bioavailability of many other minerals throughout the body is likely to be initiated – which can, in turn, affect hundreds of metabolic functions.

Mineral balance is critical, yet only a natural resource is capable of providing this balance due to the multidimensional qualities of Nature's creations (impossible to duplicate in a laboratory) and the extreme complexity of the human body.

The Basic Building Blocks of Nature – Minerals, Metals, and Gases

Minerals, metals, and gases are the basic building blocks of hormones, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, as well as structural components, with the majority (96% of the body's total weight) being composed of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen in combination with other minerals (the other 4%).

Of this 4%, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chloride, sulfur, and magnesium compose 3.85% of total body weight. The remaining 0.15% is formed from the ultratrace minerals. 

Five minerals and gases form the very basis of human DNA, specifically carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, phosphorus, and nitrogen. Metals like iron, copper, and zinc play critical roles in oxygen delivery, heart function, and immune response respectively.

Nitric oxide (NO, or nitrogen + oxygen) is one of the most important compounds in the body for improving stamina & workout recovery, increasing energy via improved delivery of oxygen throughout the body, increasing virility, and regulating blood pressure

While the entire Periodic Chart of (currently 118) Elements plays a role somewhere in cosmic geology, the vast majority of these elements are also intricately involved in human physiology. 

The interactions of minerals, metals, and gases play significant roles in every metabolic function within the body. So, mineral supplementation needs to conform to the natural design of the human body, something only whole foods, herbs, sea vegetables, and earthen resources are capable of providing in properly balanced ratios.

So, how many mg of calcium and magnesium do I need every day to maintain proper balance? 

Even though recommended daily amounts for the average person have been decided upon, the needs of each person will vary with life stressors; the quality of foods consumed (processed fast foods or organic); the quantity of granulated sugars, colas, coffee, etc. consumed; chemical and heavy metal toxins in the body; mold exposures, and so forth. 

What is more important than the exact number of milligrams consumed of a nutrient is whether the nutrients you are consuming are derived from organic & wildcrafted whole foods, sea vegetables, nutritive herbs, and earthen sources.

In these items you will find Nature's ideal balance of ratios between minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients (which are often more important to the body than the first two, since they are composed of the first two in an intricately woven natural balance.)

If you are getting blood tests or hair analyses occasionally to discern if your balances are in good order, then, if some adjustments need to be made, simply increase the whole foods, superfoods, herbs, and earthen mineral sources to match your specific needs. This way you are less likely to risk a state of excess or disruption of your biological terrain caused by supplementation (as will be demonstrated below). 

The Prime Minerals Associated with Calcium and Magnesium Functions in the Body

What follows is a description of four of the most critical minerals associated with achieving an ideal balance between calcium and magnesium – calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorous.

The purpose of this description is not to suggest that you attempt a micromanagement approach through mineral supplementation, but to show how doing so would be counterproductive to the goal of maintaining an ideal balance between calcium and magnesium.

Mineral supplementation will merely increase the chance of getting too much of one mineral while disrupting the function of several others, thus leading to potentially serious side effects, as will be shown below.

So many other factors are at play that only whole foods and earthen sources will be comprehensive enough to achieve such a balance while maintaining a balance with all other affected minerals. 

We will now look at four minerals related to the calcium-magnesium balance in the body so as to demonstrate their codependence, and then suggest whole earthen resources sufficient to fill the needs of the body.

Interactions of Critical Minerals and Metals with Symptoms of Excess and Deficiency

The following insights are derived in part from "The Miracle Elements" by Dr. James Chappell; "The Magic of Minerals" by Dr. Bob L. Owen;,,, personal experience, and available research as indicated.

In order to demonstrate the importance of mineral balance from whole earthen sources and the avoidance of the mega vitamin-mineral approach, four minerals will be outlined with:

  • their benefits

  • purposeful uses in the body

  • interactions with other minerals

  • symptoms of excess

  • symptoms of deficiency

Finally, the vegan foods and earthen sources containing higher levels of the discussed mineral is provided in order to reveal how readily the diet, coupled with whole earthen herbs and clays, are able to supply the body's basic nutritional needs without resorting to vitamin/mineral supplementations with their dangers and side effects. 

Given that farm grown produce today is typically deficient in nutrients due to soil depletion (unless you are growing all of your own food in a certain way to replenish the soil), whole earthen superfood blends will be required in order to fill the full range of biological nutritional needs.

Therefore, the superfood formulas Sea Vegetable Blend with MoringaEarth & Sea Greens and Vital Cleanse & Nutrify are mentioned under each mineral as a primary food source. 

Superfoods, like sea vegetables, nutritive herbs, adaptogens, etc., contain hundreds of phytonutrients, the true benefits of which today's nutritional science has barely scratched the surface of gaining a full understanding. 

The purpose for mentioning only vegan foods in these lists of mineral sources is to demonstrate how the plant and mineral kingdoms are able to provide the human body with abundant nutrient sources without resorting to animal sources, thereby reducing another cause of limited health as is clearly outlined in Insights into Keto and Weight Loss – Why it Works, and How It Can Become a Time Bomb!

Calcium Benefits plus Excess & Deficiency Symptoms

Calcium activity in the body is influenced by, not just magnesium, but phosphorous, chromium, iron, sulfur, fluoride, zinc, manganese, and copper. Vitamin D increases blood levels of calcium.

Calcium is an alkalizing mineral and therefore plays a significant role in the regulation of blood pH (keeping the blood within a narrow range of 7.35-7.45 pH).

Calcium also plays a role in cell division and muscle growth, is involved in the transport of nutrients through the cell wall, and is needed to activate certain enzymes. 

Calcium is required for strengthening bones and teeth, proper muscle contraction, the transmission of nervous system messages, the regulation of heart action, and blood clotting. 

99% of the calcium in the body is found in the bones and teeth.

Blood levels of calcium are transitory, thus, when calcium is required but not supplied regularly by the diet, the bones and teeth become the obvious source of supply.

An acid constitution (commonly from the consumption of meat, dairy, eggs, sugar, colas, coffee, and other acid promoting events, like life stress), that places a constant demand on the pH balancing function of calcium can result in a prolonged deficiency of calcium, which can lead to the reduced bone mass associated with osteoporosis and dental cavities.

An excess of calcium (from calcium supplementation, for example) can interfere with the absorption of other minerals, such as zinc and iron. Excessive amounts can also elevate urinary calcium levels, leading to the formation of calcium-containing kidney stones.

Calcium is a constipating mineral, thus can interfere with digestion and nutrient assimilation if not properly balanced by magnesium and other minerals, herbs, or phytonutrients. 

Research indicates that "without adequate vitamin D to help absorb the calcium, the extra calcium settles in the arteries instead of the bones. There, it helps form plaques that threaten the heart and brain. Excess calcium can also cause muscle pain, mood disorders, abdominal pain and kidney stones".

The Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Mayo Clinic points out that "Hypocalcemia and hypercalcemia [low and high calcium]... are associated with profound cardiovascular abnormalities. Hypercalcemia is associated with hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy [enlargement], vascular calcification [arteriosclerosis], shortened QT interval [timespan of a ventricle contraction/relaxation cycle], and arrhythmias. Hypocalcemia is associated with heart failure, prolonged QT intervals, and life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias."

The Mayo Clinic goes on to say that high and low levels of magnesium, as well as, high and low levels of potassium are also associated with cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death.

Symptoms of Calcium Excess

Calcium excesses lead to calcium-laden plaque buildup in the arteries. Phosphorous excesses demand a calcium bond with itself, causing excessive calcium-phosphate molecules to build up along arterial walls reducing arterial flexibility and blood flow from their combined hardening effect on the arterial walls.

Calcium-laden plaque lining the arteries threaten heart function, raise blood pressure, and promote the development of dementia.

Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency

A high-sodium diet can result in an increase in the excretion of calcium through the urine. This calcium loss can result in bone loss which can lead to the development of osteoporosis.

Calcium deficiency symptoms may also include muscle cramps, numbness, or tingling in the hands and feet from nerve disorders, and mental confusion.

Calcium Sources

Whole earthen sources of calcium include Ancient Mineral Blend, sea vegetables, moringa, (Sea Vegetable Blend with Moringa), Earth & Sea Greens, Vital Cleanse & Nutrify, all leafy green vegetables, okra, rapini, broccoli, all squashes, sesame seed, parsley, sweet potatoes, celeriac, nopales, purslane, garden cress, burdock root, and all beans. 

Magnesium Benefits plus Excess & Deficiency Symptoms

Magnesium activity in the body is influenced by, not just calcium, but potassium, manganese, iron, molybdenum, and phosphorus.

Magnesium is involved in over 700 enzyme processes in the body, yet is suppressed by an overabundance of calcium. 

Magnesium is required for many critical functions in the body, including nerve function, energy production, bone density, and muscle contraction/relaxation.

Magnesium's primary function is to activate certain enzymes, especially those related to carbohydrate metabolism, energy metabolism, and in the transport of other electrolytes in the performance of their specific duties in the body, especially calcium, potassium, and sodium.

Magnesium is also essential to enzyme systems related to cell growth and division, the lack of which can lead to abnormal growths.

Magnesium calms the nerves, relaxes the muscles, and is integral to the process that allows calcium into the cell.

Calcium and Magnesium regulate electrical potential across nerve and muscle membranes, calcium for contraction/stimulation, magnesium for relaxation, glucose assimilation, and ATP production (the energy molecule). 

"Each human cell contains 1,000-2,000 mitochondria. ATP is made in each one through a series of 8 steps called the Krebs cycle. What's remarkable about magnesium is that it is necessary for 6 of those 8 steps."

Magnesium has antioxidant effects that can confer protection to muscle tissue by countering the free radicals generated during physical exertion, thereby reducing or preventing muscle fatigue. Magnesium has repeatedly been found to reduce systemic inflammation, a critical factor in reduced muscle performance.

Magnesium is utilized in the relaxation of blood vessels, thus, in the regulation of blood pressure.

Symptoms of Magnesium Excess

Getting an excess of magnesium from foods is practically impossible if one is reasonably healthy. However, the same cannot be said for magnesium supplementation. High doses of magnesium from supplements or medications can result in nausea, abdominal cramping, and diarrhea.

Long term magnesium excess can lead to vomiting, low blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and cardiac arrest.

Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

Low magnesium levels generally don't cause symptoms over the short term. However, chronically low levels raise the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis.

Factors that lead to magnesium deficiency include poor diet, digestive disorders that interfere with magnesium absorption, chronic stress, and the overuse of chemical diuretics and/or herbal diuretics like coffee, green/black tea, mate´, mint tea, and numerous others that flush electrolytes from the system (including drinking too much water). 

A magnesium deficiency can result in insomnia, loss of appetite, irritability, depression, fatigue, numbness and tingling, muscle twitches and spasms, muscle cramps, skin lesions, personality changes, confusion, disorientation, apathy, learning disabilities, memory loss, elevated blood pressure, high cholesterol, rapid heart rate, and chronic inflammation.

Magnesium and potassium deficiencies cause similar dysfunctions of the heart. It is impossible to completely restore potassium levels without replacing magnesium.

A more complete list of magnesium deficiency symptoms can be found here.

Magnesium Sources

Whole earthen sources of magnesium include sea vegetables, moringa, (Sea Vegetable Blend with Moringa), Ancient Mineral Blend, Earth & Sea GreensVital Cleanse & Nutrify, all beans, all leafy vegetables, gluten free oats, einkorn wheat (the original wheat), buckwheat, millet, brown rice, and a Sacred Clay bath with Black Beauty Bath Additive (contains epsom salt and Ocean Magnesium). 

Potassium Benefits plus Excess & Deficiency Symptoms

Potassium activity is influenced by sodium, iron, calcium, and magnesium. 98% of all potassium within the body lies within the cells.

Potassium is involved in muscle contraction and is essential in the regulation of fluid balance in and around the cells. It is also critical in the maintenance of normal blood pressure and helps to keep the heart beating at a steady pace.

Potassium catalyzes some enzyme activities, cell division, and physical growth, all of which can be affected by its concentration or chemical alterations. 

Potassium activates nitric oxide to reduce pressure in the arteries, thus, lowering the risk of hypertension.

A high calcium diet and/or calcium supplements can reduce potassium availability leading to water retention, irregular heart beat, constipation, insomnia, irritability, headaches, and indigestion. 

Sodium and potassium are closely paired. Proper ratios between the two are essential to the transmission of nerve signals, the contraction of muscles, the regulation of heartbeats, proper kidney function, and maintaining the acid-base balance in the body.

Our bodies require about twice as much potassium as sodium, so an excess of salt can destabilize body functions that are dependent on potassium (like the sodium-potassium pump that regulates the amount of fluids inside and outside of the tissue cells). A high salt diet can result in an increase of fluids within the cell causing the cells to swell and burst due to pressure.

Potassium eliminates sodium from the cells, thereby preventing the accumulation of excess fluids within the cells.

Symptoms of Potassium Excess

The most common cause of excessively high potassium is related to kidney dysfunction, adrenal insufficiency, dehydration, excessive use of potassium supplements, and the use of medications like beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, and steroids. 

Excessively high potassium (hyperkalemia) is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition. It can result in nausea, weakness, dizziness, feeling faint, diarrhea, muscle fatigue, confusion, trouble concentrating, abdominal cramps, paralysis, chest pain, and irregular heart rhythms.

Symptoms of Potassium Deficiency

Low potassium (hypokalemia) is more often caused by excessive alcohol use, the use of insulin, chemical diuretics, laxatives, some antibiotics, drinking excessive amounts of water or diuretic herbal teas, steady vomiting, extreme exercise, excessive sweating, chronic kidney disease, or diabetic ketoacidosis. 

Symptoms of low potassium include muscle weakness, muscle cramps, constipation, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, muscle pain, and numbness.

The most common symptom of long term potassium deficiency is chronic fatigue.

Most diets contain moderate levels of potassium, though typically not enough to meet all of the body's needs. 

Potassium Sources

Whole earthen sources of potassium include sea vegetables, moringa, (Sea Vegetable Blend with Moringa), Earth & Sea Greens, Vital Cleanse & NutrifyMost fruits and vegetables contain potassium. Those with the greater quantity of potassium include all beans and lentils, avocados, potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, beets & beet greens, spinach, prunes, raisins, tamarinds, jackfruit, plantains, squash, buckwheat, bamboo shoots, and hot chili peppers.

Phosphorous Benefits plus Excess & Deficiency Symptoms

Phosphorus activity is influenced by iron, sodium, beryllium, aluminum, copper, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, as well as calcium and magnesium.

Phosphorous is integral to the formation and storage of energy via the ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy molecule. 

Magnesium excesses reduce phosphorus availability, thereby reducing energy levels.

Many of the B complex vitamins are effective only when combined with a phosphate molecule.

The majority of phosphorus in the body is found in the bones and teeth. The bones hold about half as much phosphorus as calcium and are primarily responsible for the hardening of bones and teeth (not fluoride, as certain industries try to promote). 

The human cells are guarded by a double layer of phospholipids (oil-based phosphorous molecules). The cell membrane is selectively permeable, which means that it only permits certain molecules to enter and exit. It also controls the quantity of some substances (like cholesterol and glucose) that go into or out of the cell.

Phosphorous supports the acid-base balance in our cells and urine via the phosphate buffer system that uses an alkaline phosphate molecule to neutralize an acidic molecule in the blood or entering the cell. 

Phosphate molecules form the backbone of the DNA and are therefore integral in cell division, reproduction, heredity, and physical development.

Symptoms of Phosphorous Excess

As phosphorus levels in the body increase, the need for calcium also increases. If the calcium intake is insufficient to meet this need, then calcium is extracted from the bones or teeth and delivered to the blood to satisfy the requirement. This causes tooth cavities or reduced bone density (osteoporosis).

An excess of phosphorus (often from the phosphoric acid in carbonated beverages, phosphate salt supplementation, the increasing use of phosphate additives in processed foods, and the chemical phosphate fertilizers toxifying our food and water supplies) can result in the loss of calcium from the bones and teeth making them brittle. 

An excess of phosphorus can also have a toxic effect on the cardiovascular system and the aging process as well, due in part to the way calcium-phosphate crystals form in the artery walls reducing arterial elasticity essential for proper blood flow and the regulation of blood pressure.

Symptoms of Phosphorous Deficiency

Antacids containing aluminum bind phosphorus in the gut, and can, when consumed in high doses, produce low phosphorous levels. 

Symptoms of phosphorus deficiency include anorexia, anemia, muscle weakness, muscle fiber degeneration, bone pain, softening of the bone, general debility, increased susceptibility to infection, "pins & needles" sensation, loss of motor coordination, confusion, and even death (Lotz et al., 1968). 

Phosphorous Sources

Whole earthen sources of magnesium include sea vegetables, moringa, (Sea Vegetable Blend with Moringa), Earth & Sea Greens, Vital Cleanse & Nutrify, succotash, all beans & lentils, pea sprouts, celeriac, lentil sprouts, medicinal mushrooms (cooked only), potatoes including yams and sweet potatoes, artichokes, asparagus, spinach, taro, parsnips, bamboo shoots, Brussels sprouts, and onions.

What to Do When Symptoms Reveal that Our Mineral Ratios Are Out of Balance

As demonstrated above, minerals of a wide variety are required for virtually every metabolic function in the body.

Do we dare consume less than the most comprehensive spectrum of mineral and nutritional complexes that Nature can provide?

Is it wise to alter the delicate balance of mineral and nutritional ratios that only Nature, at this point, knows how to assemble? 

When Nature designs an herb, fruit, vegetable, or clay, there is typically an inherent state of balance or equilibrium within the earthen source. 

For this reason, I consume Ancient Mineral Blend or Mineral Manna to obtain a broad spectrum of minerals, along with a rich source of phytonutrients from superfood blends (to ensure that an abundance of supportive nutrients for the minerals are available), then listen to my body and look for signs of mineral imbalance caused by other sources to decide if I need more of one whole natural resource or another. 

A Personal Example of Depleting Electrolytes Leading to Muscle Cramps 

One example of this is a common experience of mine from depleting my potassium and magnesium reserves from being out in the sun for most of a day working hard in the garden or up in the mountains digging clay. 

Sweat and exercise deplete calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium reserves, as these are required for muscle action and sweating. Consuming volumes of water, herbal teas, or coffee (with their diuretic properties) would also deplete electrolyte reserves.

If I was not conscious of replenishing my electrolyte reserves with Mineral Manna, Vitallite, coconut water, watermelon, a small amount of sea salt, etc. I would begin experiencing muscle cramps by nightfall.

I suspect that sunlight (which promotes the development of Vitamin D, followed by the D increasing calcium in the blood) have a tendency to aggravated the situation. 

Calcium is used in the contraction of muscles, and too much calcium in the blood (as a result of the extra Vitamin D from the sun), can deplete the availability of potassium and magnesium resulting in muscle cramps.

When I used to eat dairy (especially cheese) or meat, then the potential for a muscle cramp or restless leg symptoms would be even greater after a day in the sun. 

Potassium loss from saunas and exercise would also promote the cramps or restless leg. Potassium slows down a contraction process, so the loss of potassium would readily promote excessive muscle contraction. (This is a critical function when it comes to the heart. Potassium slows the heartbeat, proving helpful in rapid or irregular heart rate.)

The solution? I would take a teaspoon or more of Ancient Mineral Blend (for the calcium and magnesium), or Mineral Manna, (for calcium, magnesium, and sodium), and the muscles would typically relax within 5 minutes. 

Ancient Mineral Blend is mostly calcium and magnesium, yet it would always relax my muscles, unless my imbalance was too far out for that to work completely, leaving me with the restless leg. In such cases, I found (through a series of unexpected events), that Manna Mist (Ormalite spray) worked best to stop the restless leg. 

If I suspected systemic low potassium to be the cause, then I would eat more beans, potatoes, and/or drink Harmless brand unpasteurized Coconut Water (high in electrolytes, especially potassium which works together with magnesium to relax the muscles).

In addition, I would eat less calcium-rich foods, stop the lengthy saunas for a while, and slow down on the workouts (it is common for me to move 1-5 ton of material in a day, either gardening or harvesting/milling clay).

Today I no longer consume dairy or meat, but when I drank coffee or caffeinated teas, the same kinds of symptoms would be more common, since electrolytes (like calcium and magnesium) are used up by the nerve stimulus and excess of cortisol in the system from the caffeine.

So, reducing the caffeine in the diet will preserve these valuable minerals in the body and reduce the loss of electrolytes through the urine stimulated by these diuretic drinks.

A tablespoon of Vital Cleanse & Nutrify would help re-alkalize the body after a day of lactic acid buildup. It would also supply an abundance of phytonutrients needed to ensure complete bioavailability of the mineral sources. 

Vital Cleanse & Nutrify just before bed would also result in a much more fulfilling rest at night. 

What do I do if my blood test shows I am high or low in calcium or magnesium, but I have no symptoms?

Bottom line, a blood test is a moment in time. Your blood changes from minute to minute based on diet, exercise, stress, and numerous other factors. If a chronic high or low calcium/magnesium condition exists, more often than not, it will be diet related.

There are other causes to consider as well, like chemicals in the body, mold or other toxicity, medications that block or disrupt the availability of minerals, and so forth, so the big picture will need to be considered in order to assess all contributing factors (there is seldom just one cause).

If you suspect a medication or a more serious condition consult your healthcare provider, especially one that is knowledgable of electrolytes and their natural food sources. 

Given that magnesium is utilized in detoxification (and we are in a highly toxic world), it makes sense to increase the amount of magnesium in the diet compared to calcium, especially since today’s toxic environment demands a greater usage of magnesium, and most diets are excessively high in calcium.

So, What's the Answer? 

The answer is 1) stop taking the calcium or magnesium supplements altogether, and 2) carefully scrutinize the diet, then adjust it to improve a balance of nutrients across the board, primarily from clays and superfoods.

Superfood blends derived from herbs and sea vegetables are known to possess a proper balance of minerals plus hundreds of phytonutrients, which are often more important to overall health than the vitamin and mineral categories of nutrients themselves. 

Why? Because phytonutrients are made of the same minerals, vitamins, amino acids, proteins, and specially constructed compounds with specific beneficial purposes in the human body that go beyond the specific minerals themselves, yet can be readily broken down into whatever the body needs in the moment.

I use Mineral Manna to cover my basic mineral needs and support detoxification, Vital Cleanse & Nutrify (especially midmorning and just before bed) to cover my phytonutrient needs, then adjust the diet to make sure it supports better nutrient/fat/starch/glucose balance

I keep some extra Ancient Mineral Blend on hand for those times in which a greater amount of magnesium is required to relax the muscles. Likewise, I keep Manna Mist on hand for several reasons (like skin rashes or infections, or to simply lighten the aura), but especially as a final remedy for restless leg.

Then I consider how I need to adjust the diet to correct the bigger issue or take a break from intense exercise or saunas, and possibly spend less time in the sun for the next few days.

Each one's situation will be different, so if you are not sure, listen carefully to your intuitive guidance and do some research to understand the possibilities better.

Taking a calcium/magnesium supplement will not resolve the majority of the true causes to a calcium-magnesium ratio imbalance in the body whether the ratio is 2-1 or 1-1, since, as we can now see, the bigger picture will have to be addressed as well.

Many blessings of health & success,
Enjoy the simple gifts from Nature!

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Michael King
Michael King

Michael King is a Life Enrichment Consultant, a natural intuitive, a researcher of Nature's most powerful healing resources the world over, the author of "Detoxify, Nourish & Build – Three Essentials for Vibrant Health", the Vital Health News Updates – a periodic newsletter documenting the most life-building natural resources on the planet, The Blessing Transformation, and the co-author of Life Chats with Oversoul – an ongoing dialogue designed to gain clarity and direction while navigating the immense changes going into the New Era. Michael is also an advocate of sustainable gardening, environmental responsibility, and an architect of ways to increase global food production.

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