Rates of death from COVID-19 range from 0.3% to 5% around the world based on official reports. Which means that 95-99.7% of those that get infected also get well after a few weeks.
Same with the common flu, most people get over it. Roughly 1% each year typically don't. These are simply those with the most compromised immune systems from various factors.
Death rates will vary from region to region and person to person based on additional influential factors like local pollution levels, pre-existing conditions, whether a person smokes, eats high amounts of sugar, or junk food; and now, how much time is spent in the presence of wireless technology, like cell phones, WIFI, 4G, 5G, etc.
All of these factors play a role in the innate strength of a person's natural ability to ward off a viral exposure.
At the same time it is important to note that we are not being told the truth about the actual numbers of those infected, nor are the official "death rates" reliable indicators, since the vast majority are not tested, the coronavirus tests themselves are notorious now for giving false positives and false negatives, and most people are dying of complications that are aggravated by common flu conditions, or electronic influences (like 5G), not the flu itself, or the pre-existing conditions have weakened the body to the degree that the flu was merely the final straw.
Still, precautions are necessary to protect yourself and others.
In 2017 80,000 people in America died of the common flu, (long before the recent coronavirus), which was the highest year on record at the time.
How many of those who died of the flu in 2017 had been vaccinated for the flu that year and in previous years, (revealing the overall weakening of the human immune system due to the vaccines themselves).
This yearly number of flu deaths has been escalating gradually over the last several decades. What is causing this unprecedented escalation?
Has pollution in the world increased over the last 70 years?
Have vaccine requirements increased since then?
Has the consumption of granulated and liquid sugar concentrates increased over this time?
What about fast food? Has the rise of fast food joints increased in the last 70 years?
What about genetically modified and processed food?
What about the loss of mineral and nutrient value in our foods due to chemical agriculture and depleted soils?
What about the increase in the use of RoundUp and its presence on our food?
What about wireless technology? Has this increased in the last 70 years?
And now we have the added influence of 5G being implemented in each of the countries in which Coronavirus outbreaks have been taking place (probably explaining the higher percentages of death from the flu in those regions).
Well, this is certainly a consideration due to how EMF fields are known to weaken the natural immune response powers of the human body.
However, even with this immense attack on our innate immune system escalating year after year, officially 95-99% of the people contracting viral conditions are recovering on their own.
How is this possible?
The human immune system, when cared for and built up daily, works for us to improve our health and protect us from pathogenic invasions.
Only when compromised or weakened by environmental factors, diet, or life stress do we succumb to illness.
The secret to a healthier life and the power to ward off pathogens of all kinds is in developing a strong innate immune system.
So, how do we achieve this?
Go to System Builder Protocols: The Immune System to find out How to Strengthen Your Own Natural Immune Response Powers
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