Life Chats With Oversoul is an ongoing dialogue designed to gain clarity and direction while navigating the immense changes going into the New Era.
Today’s Life Chat focuses on the one central tenet around which earth events pivot, as well as the impact that the care of a child has on the future of our society.
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Michael to The Council: In your last report you gave the indication that future events can be modified in our favor with the “awakening of the masses to the power of their own minds when connected together in harmonious union toward a single objective.”
I would like to further this conversation and go into greater detail on the subject of what we, the people, not relying on saviors from government, or military, or religious groups, can do to improve our chances of making a positive difference in the ultimate outcome.
The Council: Welcome. This is our second round on the subject of your near future potentialities.
This should come as no surprise to you, so I will begin with a short introduction for your audience, then go into greater detail regarding current and potential events.
We are not a casual group of observers only. We interface daily in the planning and strategizing for future outcomes of human and non-human evolution associated with those on and around the earth.
You may find it difficult to realize that events common to everyday life on earth have specific roles to play in the forward motion of human conscious evolution, but they are intricately involved.
Not only do the major global events, like wars, floods, and cyclical weather or geological events over the course of hundreds or thousands of years play significant roles in shifting the mindset of human progress, but so do the simple everyday tasks, like caring for an infant until he or she grows up to care for themselves.
In keeping with Universal Law, the guidance of human evolution takes the form of watching, and shaping to some degree, the events that will affect perceptions of self and others most efficiently.
This is the central tenet around which earth events pivot – your perception of self in relationship to another.
So when guiding human evolution, how one person treats another, especially in the area of caring for and raising children, indicates the evolutionary stage that humanity has achieved thus far.
Michael: I get the feeling some disclosure is coming next.
Council: Yes, to some degree, but what is more important is to first realize how the raising and care of the mindset of a child (the most vulnerable) is central to the evolution of the society at large.
What perceptions a child is taught and raised with, even in colloquial ways, ends up influencing future events long term.
“Do you think money grows on trees?”
“You will never become anything if you keep that up…”
“When you pass that exam, then you can join our ‘club’.” [Referring to a PhD.]
These are mental programming tactics bred by your current civilization so as to shape the mindset of your race toward a desired outcome.
Some participate unconsciously out of their own programming and some add to the program deliberately for selfish reasons.
We are not here to dissuade you from choosing your paths, but to inform you of the most fundamental principals that guide your destiny as a people.
You will soon come face to face with your world's most brutal treatment of its children – and thereby understand why you have not advanced beyond your current stage of development.
When it comes to the birth and raising of children, experiences during the earliest stages of growth catalyze decisions made during adolescent and young adult life – long before that child enters into fields of occupation that influence greater audiences.
You will know by the way your children are interfacing with society during their pre-adult years, as to what kind of influence he or she will present to the world.
Of course changes can be made of a pivotal nature that can alter a child’s course for the better, but only if the child believes that changes will benefit the whole of his or her own life in the future.
Uniformity of attitude, required today by peers or society at large, precludes the possibility that changes in one’s life can be made to further a personal objective.
This traps the soul into following outside dictates at the expense of personal evolution – as well as the true contribution that soul could make to the furtherance of social evolution.
Now you see why educational institutions and media outlets gear their efforts toward programming the children at the earliest ages possible.
Depending on who is in control of the institution, and what underlying agenda the institution holds as it purpose for existence, the influence can be beneficial or disastrous.
Scrutiny of the philosophy behind each organization is essential for progress to be made. Exposing dark agendas within each institution is critical for pitfalls to be avoided.
Naiveté about subversive agendas in educational institutions is one of your society’s most troublesome blocks to progress.
You must first be aware of an organization’s true overriding objectives in order to make the wisest choice for the education of your children – who will eventually impact the future of your society in pivotal ways.
Both dark and light paths are present on earth, just as both night and day are central to daily living.
Both serve a purpose in the greater scheme of things.
One without the other would leave you diminished in your search for truth, for the path of less light causes those with more light to question their own paths more carefully.
Acceleration in the evolution of ideas, processes, social bylaws, and the treatment of others takes place in the presence of questions and debate.
In the absence of life challenges, such questioning is minimized, thus thwarting the evolution of the soul, and therefore, the advancement of a civilization.
The challenges you experience today surrounding the election and its current results have revealed the stark contrast between conformity and free thought; between censorship and open discussion.
Your institutions all have guiding directives. Their founders established them to influence both thought and behavior, to get tasks done, to implement new technology, and to influence society in some way, shape, or form.
Do not take these institutions for granted, as if all of their intentions are honorable. They are not.
Be sure to choose wisely. Make your preferences known and follow your own dictates after questioning carefully the guiding directives and intentions of any institution, regardless of its nature, religious or otherwise.
Look beneath the hood. Recognize the signs of control.
Get to know the historical past of each leader. Consider their personal childhood influences that have shaped each one’s current decisions and perspectives.
How do the leaders treat their children, spouses, coworkers, other people’s children today?
Look at the fruit of their current actions. Does it produce harmony, teamwork, evolution of ideas, changes in governance to benefit the whole?
Be wise, be careful in your assessments, look for signs of personal growth, and if absent, look elsewhere to get involved.
The future of your current world is at stake. The decisions you make today will formulate your world of tomorrow.
Choose wisely.
To be continued…
Go to Life Chats with Oversoul article section to read prior messages.
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