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Self-Image – The Most Influential Factor Behind Your Health, Wealth & Happiness

November 03, 2016 3 min read

How to change the world we see by changing how we perceive ourselves.

Web Audio: Click on the title below to listen to this call, or right clickthe link, then "Save link as", to save the MP3 file to your computer:

CC-Self Image

Session Overview


A. The Central Role of Self-Image (and how it determines the state of your health, wealth & happiness).

B. What You Perceive to be True Shows Up for You (It's all about choosing a new perspective)

C. Eight Reasons Why the World We Want to See Does Not Show Up:

1. Wanting one thing but feeling the lack of it. (Feelings are necessary to give birth to a dream. Immerse yourself in the experience of what you want. Live in this experience everyday - as you transform your inner resistance to the dream.)

2. Waiting for circumstances in life to get better before believing it's possible. (Outer circumstances are merely the reflection of past beliefs. Your inner experience is the undeveloped seed of your future!)

3. Criticizing others for messing up your world. (This is playing the victim, not realizing that your self-image caused you to experience the events that way. Now that you have had the experience, take responsibility for building your new world and choose a new perspective.)

4. "I'm too busy coping with life to spend time doing the inner work." (Procrastination, avoidance & denial are like casting your seeds on dry, infertile soil. Make time every day to build the garden of your future.)

5. Basing your belief in what's possible on what you have seen others experience. (New worlds are created by those who clearly see a vision of the unmanifest.)

6. Failing to follow your passion. (Take action! - even if it is just a baby step, do something every day to grow your passion.)

7. Believing you must work for a living so you can earn enough to follow your passion later. (The real reason for the "work 6 days and take the 7th off" rule. The answer will surprise you!)

8. Being too cluttered inside to discern which inner voice is your true guidance. (Inner clarity is the secret to success. Refine your skill at listening to that still, quiet, confident inner knowing - then act on it!)

D. How to Sculpt a New Self Image (An easy to apply method that begins to produce results within the first 2 minutes - Have pen, paper and a mirror on hand)

1. Notice your countenance in the mirror.

2. Clarify & phrase your new self-image.

3. Symbolize the image within a circle.

4. Emotion-pack your image.

5. Notice (observe) your resistance with an open heart (100% loving presence).

6. Question your resistance in light of the True Nature of Life.

7. Breathe deeply 3 or more times until you enter into a place of deep stillness and peace.

8. Observe your countenance in the mirror and make a note of the differences that you see.

9. Repeat this process until you no longer feel any form of resistance to "being" the new self-image.

E. The bottom-line is to live in the experience of your dream every day until it is fully realized. (The secret to doing this successfully lies in your ability to merge your current world into the world of your dream.)

F. The above outline was provided so anyone could use it to advance in the manifestation of your dream. If you wish to go into greater detail, or be more specific to what you want to accomplish, you may schedule a Private Consultation with Michael King.

Michael King
Michael King

Michael King is a Life Enrichment Consultant, a natural intuitive, a researcher of Nature's most powerful healing resources the world over, the author of "Detoxify, Nourish & Build – Three Essentials for Vibrant Health", the Vital Health News Updates – a periodic newsletter documenting the most life-building natural resources on the planet, The Blessing Transformation, and the co-author of Life Chats with Oversoul – an ongoing dialogue designed to gain clarity and direction while navigating the immense changes going into the New Era. Michael is also an advocate of sustainable gardening, environmental responsibility, and an architect of ways to increase global food production.

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