A few have asked where they might find a mercury free dentist. Below is a link to one valuable resource and database of Mercury Free Dentists.
The Dangers of Mercury Removal
Keep in mind, that even if your mercury fillings are removed safely, there is no guarantee regarding mercury vapor absorption. In fact many of my clients can now trace their greatest health decline back to the time just after safe (or unsafe) amalgam removal.
Barbara recently underwent 4 surgeries to remove amalgams. Shortly after each one, the signs of mercury vapor toxicity began to show - pain in the head and kidney, low energy, swollen lymph glands in the neck - all on the same side as the removal.
She took two clay baths the day of the surgeries; she did mouth swishes, and clay packs on the face neck and head while in the tub; she consumed Earth & Sea Greens in larger amounts than usual.
She continued this approach once a day for several more days.
Interestingly she had no pain in the gums or teeth from the incisions and removals. The doctor was amazed. She attributes this to her daily herbal and clay regimen.
Most of the symptoms were gone after the first bath, and were fully gone by the next day. Although mercury vapor removal from the body, after years of mercury fillings, is a process that may take several months and years, gradually over time. Clay therapies are among the most gentle and effective.
More aggressive detox therapies should be taken in small amounts and built up gradually. (More on this another time.)
Here are the links:
Dr. Tom McGuire on Mercury Amalgam Fillings
How to Find Mercury Free & Mercury Safe Dentists
Many blessings of health and success,
Enjoy the simple gifts from Nature!
Natural Wisdom & Real World Answers
(Video & Transcript)
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Common herbs and spices (with 4 example recipes below) that boost your digestive powers, improve nutrient assimilation & build immune system strength