Earth & Sea Greens is a nutrient-dense superfood blend abundant in chlorophyll, minerals, protein, amino acids, and thousands of nutritional compounds essential to maximum health. No vegetables have been added to this superfood blend (which would only water down the concentration of phyto-nutrients and worsen the already good taste). Earth & Sea Greens contains some of the most potent superfoods from around the world.
In combination with Mineral Manna, Ancient Mineral Blend, or Sacred Clay, Earth & Sea Greens supplies a rich, full spectrum profile of phytonutrients and minerals designed to support all systems of the body, resulting in a potent combination that both detoxifies and richly nourishes the body.
Unlike multivitamins (see Megavitamin Therapy or Whole Food Nutrition) in tablet form, which are of questionable bioavailability and can cause nutritional imbalances in the body (being merely fragments of plants, rather than the whole plant or earthen resource), Earth & Sea Greens is straight from nature in a powder form that is quickly and easily assimilated in the digestive tract. Taken regularly, this blend will provide a complete form of vitamin and mineral nutrition, eliminating the need for additional vitamin formulas.
Various herbal formulas (such as Fiber Blend, Adaptogen & Mushroom Blend, Kidney & Adrenal Builder or Digestive Bitters) may be added to increase the speed of health development in specific areas of the body.
This dynamic combination can save hundreds of dollars a month in other supplement costs, replace a daily meal, or supplement your meals (reducing food bills), and still deliver many times the benefit of standard health programs, due to one simple fact: Earth & Sea Greens is made of pure, whole earthen superfood resources - no isolates, no laboratory altered ingredients - provided, to every degree possible, in the form Mother Nature originally designed them. These original food resources are recognized by the body as real food! And the body knows exactly how to utilize them for your benefit!
Recommended Servings: For general maintenance, thoroughly mix 1 level tablespoon with 8-12 ounces of water and take two or more times daily. In capsule form, take 12 capsules with liquid 2 or more times per day. Can be combined with your desired amount of Fiber Blend,Fire, or other herbal/mineral formulas and added to 8 oz. of water, juice or SumaRaj Tea. Consume as a meal additive or meal replacement to increase energy, nourishment & body alkalinity.
High Level Servings: To realize the greater health benefits of Earth & Sea Greens, amounts can be increased to between 3 and 4 tablespoons per day and consumed steadily with water or veggie juices. In capsule form, take 36 or more capsules with liquid, spread evenly over the course of the day.
One pound of Earth & Sea Greensprovides 2 tablespoons per day for one month.
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