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Cold Weather Excellence: 4 Recipes to Warm & Nourish the Body

April 27, 2017 3 min read

Broth, Gravy, Soup & Stir Fry ​with Mushrooms

Mushroom Broth

Mushroom Gravy

Quick Vegetable Soup

Stir Fried Vegetables

One of the absolute essential basics in my kitchen is Mushroom Broth. I use it for many of the dishes we eat every day. It can be used as a base for soup, gravy or stir fried veggies.

The mushrooms provide the substance (being about 15% protein) and help to modulate (balance) the immune system.

Mushrooms make a filling alternative to meat, as they satisfy the body's desire for substance, yet do not tax the body's digestive powers in the way meat does. They are not constipating, as meat is, nor will they acidify the body in the same way meat does. All around, mushrooms provide health improvements and satiation, while adding tasty alternatives to the menu.

The myth that mushrooms increase yeast/fungal issues is false. Many mushrooms reduce pathogenic fungus while adding excellent nourishment to the whole body. They also assist in detoxification.

Mushrooms have become a staple in our diet, being very filling and tasty (especially the uncommon varieties (like chanterelle, morel, lion’s mane, oyster, lobster & maitake mushrooms). Just make sure yours are organically grown or wildcrafted far from industry, and stick to the well known varieties from knowledgeable growers and wildcrafters, as there can be look-alike varieties that are poisonous. A knowledgeable harvester will immediately know the difference.

Now for the recipes:

Mushroom Broth

2 lbs. shiitake or other mushrooms (like chanterelle, lion’s mane, oyster, lobster & maitak, sliced

½ large onion, chopped

2/3 cup chopped celery

½ teaspoon thyme

Salt & garlic powder to taste

1 ½ gallon water

Add all ingredients to a large pot. Heat to boiling. Simmer until reduced by 1/3 (about 1 hour).

Freeze or can in quart, pint or 1 ½ pint containers for future use.

To be used in combination with the follow three recipes (and elsewhere if desired).


Mushroom Gravy

1 quart Mushroom Broth

1 tablespoon arrowroot powder

Salt, pepper, garlic powder or other spices to taste

Put all ingredients in a blender & blend until smooth. Heat over medium heat & simmer until thickened.


Quick Vegetable Soup

1 quart Mushroom Broth

Leftover vegetables, rice, beans, chopped in bite sized chunks


Seasonings of choice: basil, garlic, oregano, thyme, rosemary, cumin, cayenne, ginger, Himalayan salt, pepper, curry powder, etc.

Add all ingredients to a medium sized pot. Heat thoroughly. Serve over chopped avocado.


Stir Fried Vegetables

3 cups chopped vegetables of choice (carrots, onions, peppers, green beans, asparagus, squash, potato, okra, kale, etc.)

1 pint Mushroom Broth

1 teaspoon arrowroot powder, optional

Avocado, optional (but very tasty)

Salt, pepper or other herbs or spices to taste

Saute` the veggies over medium heat: Start with 1 or 2 tablespoons of water in the pan or skillet. Stir veggies frequently. Add more water, a tablespoon at a time, to prevent sticking. Cook until vegetables are tender.

Add the arrowroot powder, if choosing to add additional thickness, to cold Mushroom Broth. Mix thoroughly. Add the Mushroom Broth to the cooked veggies. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thickened.

Serve over cooked brown basmati rice. Top with avocado if desired.

Note: Arrowroot dissolves better in cold liquid than hot, so it is best to mix it into your cold broth or water before heating it up.

A Note About Mushrooms: Mushrooms are best eaten from a dried stock or cooked, but not raw. The value from mushrooms are derived by breaking down the cellulose structures this way. 


Michael King
Michael King

Michael King is a Life Enrichment Consultant, a natural intuitive, a researcher of Nature's most powerful healing resources the world over, the author of "Detoxify, Nourish & Build – Three Essentials for Vibrant Health", the Vital Health News Updates – a periodic newsletter documenting the most life-building natural resources on the planet, The Blessing Transformation, and the co-author of Life Chats with Oversoul – an ongoing dialogue designed to gain clarity and direction while navigating the immense changes going into the New Era. Michael is also an advocate of sustainable gardening, environmental responsibility, and an architect of ways to increase global food production.

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