Download a PDF copy of the Black Beauty - Instructions for Use with basic product recommendations:
Black Beauty - Instructions for Use pdf.
Ingredients: Ocean Magnesium, Sacred Clay, Himalayan Salt, Humic/Fulvic Substance,
Vitallite & Ormalite
Directions: Keep container closed when not in use to prevent moisture or humidity from
melting the magnesium flakes. Melting, however will not affect performance. Safe for both
septic systems and city drains. May tingle on the skin for the first 2-3 minutes. Dilute spent
material to bath water consistency and apply to garden, trees, shrubs and grass to enhance
Bath: Add 1/8 cup of Black Beauty along with 1/4 cup of Sacred Clay to the bath water.
Soak 30 minutes to 1 hour, or longer as desired. Maintain a 1-2 ratio when increasing
amounts in the tub.
Foot Bath:Add 1 tablespoon of Black Beauty and 2 tablespoons of Sacred Clay to the foot
bath water. Soak 30 minutes to 1 hour, or longer as desired.
Facial, Poultice and Body Wrap: Mix 1 tablespoon of Black Beauty per 1 cup of Sacred
Clay and 1/2 cup of water (1 tsp. to 1/3 cup for a facial). Add more water very slowly to
achieve desired thick paste consistency. Stir to blend. Spread over affected area, or just the
feet, or the entire body, from 1/8th to 1 inch thick. Cover with a moist cotton gauze,
washcloth or towel. Wrap in plastic wrap or large 9x12 painter’s plastic (for body wrap).
Leave on for 45 minutes or longer - even overnight if convenient. Read a book, watch a
movie, listen to tapes, or go to sleep. Enjoy!
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Get Vitamin D naturally without taking the supplemental form!
A functioning liver can store several months of sunshine and plant-based Vitamin D for wintertime use.
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