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CC - May 18, 2010 - 4 Ways SumaRaj Tea Builds Healthy Bodies and Healthy Soil
Note: There is a break in the sound about a third of the way through. Bear with us on that for a minute or so and the sound will resume again.
The Session Overview below is provided as a courtesy to those who prefer to read than listen, yet on each call additional insights are given which round out the subject.
Comment most often made about SumaRaj:
"I just love how it makes me feel!"
Suma - an adaptogen (also called "Brazilian Ginseng") - means "for all things"
Raj- the Ayurvedic designation for their most effective herbs or formulas.
SumaRaj was developed originally in Oct 1999 as a replacement for my coffee habit. The intent was to assemble the best Nature had to offer from around the world into one tasty beverage.
Interest from family and friends gave birth to the herbal company that eventually became Vitality Herbs and Clay.
Ingredients gradually climbed to over 40 herbs.
a. Herbal ingredients are CWG - Consciously Grown, Organic, or Wildcrafted.
b. Contains Yerba Mate balanced with soothing adaptogenic herbs: Suma, Ashwaganda, Shatavari, Schizandra, Siberian Ginseng, Holy Basil, etc.
c. Loaded with nutritive herbs: Nettle, Horsetail, Chicory, Dandelion Root, etc.
d. Along with many other system balancing herbs from around the world: Rehmannia, Cat's Claw, Jatoba, Sheep Sorrel, Ginger, etc.
Can be consumed both day and night and provides energy during the day and better sleep at night.
a. gradual, gentle liver detox.
b. mildly laxative.
c. kidney, urinary cleanse.
d. Important to also drink water during the day to help flush toxins.
a. Nutrient dense herbs in a liquid tea provide bioavailable nutrients to the cells.
b. Helps curb the appetite, stretching time between meals.
a. Adaptogenic herbs provide balanced energy.
b. No jitters like coffee.
c. No 2 hour drop like coffee.
d. Improves hormonal balance.
e. Provides a great sense of well-being.
a. The secret to great gardening is in an abundance of worms.
b. SumaRaj Tea spent grounds (loaded with adaptogens and nutrients) cause a rapid
replication of garden worms.
c. Mix grounds with twice as much soil or coconut fiber (this prevents them from going sour) and toss into your compost bin or around your plants.
d. Keep moist (worms like shade and moisture).
e. Within a few weeks' notice your worm count, per shovelful of dirt, or compost rapidly climb.
(good soil has at least 10 worms per shovelful)
f. I get close to 100 worms per shovelful in my compost/worm bins.
Read the instructions carefully. SumaRaj is not made in the same manner as most other teas.
1) Requires boiling for 1-5 minutes, or
2) steeping at hot drinking temperature for 2-3 hours (or overnight if you prefer).
3) Put the tea grounds into the glass container or pot (no filter if using a coffee pot).
4) Does not work well in a French Press or tea bag.
5) Some like to add cream or coconut milk, but this may not combine well for good digestion.
6) Can be sweetened with Licorice or Stevia Green Leaf Powder. or Smoothy Spice Blend
1) More Yerba Mate
2) Adaptogen and Mushroom Blend powder
3) Kidney & Adrenal Builder powder
4) and sometimes a little Digestive Bitters or Sacred Clay.
5) Others like to add Kicker (a blend of Maca and Cacao).
SumaRaj Tea throughout the day helps curb the appetite, gently cleanse the body, improve energy, and provide a great sense of well being!
Many blessings of health and success to everyone,
Enjoy the simple gifts from Nature!
Natural Wisdom & Real World Answers
(Video & Transcript)
Vitality Herbs & Clay operates as a private company, so as to protect your right to your own freewill choice of health remedies and the sharing of knowledge.
Your participation within our site is protected by the Eternal Law right to privacy and freewill choice, governed by the Laws of Nature under the Prime Creator, the Original Cause of All Life, and no other.
Common herbs and spices (with 4 example recipes below) that boost your digestive powers, improve nutrient assimilation & build immune system strength