Vitality Herbs & Clay is a private membership organization. Your participation within this site is protected by your Eternal Law right to privacy and freewill choice - - 541-482-9633 or 888-325-1475
Vitality Herbs & Clay is a private membership organization. Your participation within this site is protected by your Eternal Law right to privacy and freewill choice - - 541-482-9633 or 888-325-1475
The truth is, not a single product, natural or otherwise (including every one mentioned on this site) is capable of healing the human body. Neither a herb, a clay, a vitamin or mineral supplement, a seaweed or algae, an organic food, nor any other substance is capable of healing the body. In every instance, the body will take the nutrition given it, break it down into millions of pieces...
View, print or download a PDF copy of the Vitality Herbs and Clay Retail Catalog Price list and Ingredients & Usage:
VHC Catalog - Price List - Jan-7-25.pdf for printing.
VHC Catalog - Ingredients & Usage 2-24-25.pdf for printing.
Product orders may be placed online,
or by calling the office 10-4 M-F Pacific Time:
(541) 482-9633 or (888) 325-1475.
All of our formulas are made only with CGW ingredients (consciously grown without chemicals, certified organic or wildcrafted).
Upon realizing a number of remarkable properties within certain mineral sources found in naturally occurring mineral deposits of the earth, it made sense to take them all on a near daily basis, if for no other reason than to keep an adequate stock of a complete spectrum of mineral resources in the body for all their many functions.
In order to simplify the daily process of assembling a comprehensive mineral beverage, Mineral Manna was originally formulated to become a one-stop-shop for mineral supplementation – five great natural mineral resources blended together in one easy to take formula.
In addition to eliminating the need for other mineral supplements, the synergy of this blend turned out to also provide gentle detoxification benefits along with a great sense of well being!
Mineral Manna is an extremely bioavailable, comprehensive blend of mineral nutrients and ormus properties.
It is designed as a one-stop-shop mineral infusion and detoxification resource for anyone that is not sensitive to the laxative effects of Ancient Mineral Blend or the sodium in Himalayan Salt. Provides a potent, tingling, relaxing, heart opening experience!
For those sensitive to salt or the laxative effects from the magnesium in Ancient Mineral Blend, consider purchasing the ingredients separately and combine them in proportions that match your constitution.
Ingredients: Sacred Clay, Ancient Plant Minerals, Himalayan Salt, Humic & Fulvic Earth & Ormalite
See Mineral Manna Update – Instructions for Use for further information on the benefits of Mineral Manna.
Recommended Use: There are two ways to make Mineral Manna:
1) Add 1 level teaspoon (kitchen measuring spoon) of Mineral Manna powder to any amount of water. Shake or stir & drink. Consume 2-3 times per day with the last dose just before bed to deepen rest and rejuvenation while sleeping.
2) Add 1 level tablespoon (kitchen measuring spoon) of Mineral Manna powder to 32 ounces of water (1 quart). Shake or stir & consume desired amounts throughout the day, leaving some for the last dose just before bed to deepen rest and rejuvenation while sleeping.
Precautions: If you are on prescription medications do not take this clay internally without the advice of your healthcare provider, due to the clay’s powerful ability to cleanse chemicals, heavy metals, and poisons out of the body. Separate medications and clay by at least one or two hours before or after to allow the action of the medications to take effect as required.
If detox reactions occur from taking Mineral Manna, it is recommended to take a Sacred Clay Bath allowing toxins to gently leave the body through the skin. An additional way to increase the body’s ability to handle toxic reactions is to consume more water along with a small amount of Licorice Root (not the candy) or Chickweed, (Licorice and Chickweed contain natural cortisone, which assists in the body’s ability to counter toxins and allergens.) Then build adrenal strength (one of your primary responders to toxins) with Kidney & Adrenal Builder and Revitalize for Men or Women.
If detox reactions persist, go back to taking normal amounts of Ormalite, Ancient Mineral Blend, Digestive Bitters, and Sacred Clay Baths for 1-2 weeks until the body’s defenses are built up to the point of being effective at countering the toxins leaving the body before continuing with Mineral Manna.
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