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Vitality Herbs & Clay is a private membership organization. Your participation within this site is protected by your Eternal Law right to privacy and freewill choice - - 541-482-9633 or 888-325-1475
The truth is, not a single product, natural or otherwise (including every one mentioned on this site) is capable of healing the human body. Neither a herb, a clay, a vitamin or mineral supplement, a seaweed or algae, an organic food, nor any other substance is capable of healing the body. In every instance, the body will take the nutrition given it, break it down into millions of pieces...
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VHC Catalog - Price List - Jan-7-25.pdf for printing.
VHC Catalog - Ingredients & Usage 2-12-25.pdf for printing.
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This complimentary Digital Audio (1 hr 20 min) + PDF Transcript and the 1 page Meditation PDF Download is the meditation and instructions on how to perform the Blessing Transformation to systematically improve your personal life experience, thereby catalyzing your next step (or leap) forward toward your desired life goals.
The following is a portion of the Introduction in the complete book (not yet released) describing the process:
The following material was born from a great need to get a handle on my life and make something of it. Even after 40 years of life, deep dives into both Christianity and Metaphysics, and a growing interest in natural health, my life was a shamble of negative emotions, borderline poverty, and debilitating health issues.
I blamed God, the world, and others for my failure to thrive. Little did I know at the time that my world was merely a reflection of my inner state of being—and that a simple change of heart would improve both how I felt inside, as well as how many genuine doors of opportunity showed up in my daily life.
At one point it became painfully obvious to me that the misery I felt inside was directly related to the attitudes, beliefs, and expectations I held inside—and that the only way to move forward toward a happier existence on Earth was to begin the arduous process of examining my negative thoughts, images, and grudges one by one and replace them with a positive approach until I could break the stronghold of the downward spiral I was in and chart a new course upward.
Common sense told me that optimism opens doors of opportunity that pessimism will never see.
I began this new journey by replacing each negative thought, memory, or image that surfaced with a positive one. Each time the inner negativity rose its ugly head I began repeating a series of positive adjectives.
It went something like this: “All is well, good, true, perfect, abundant, peaceful, loving, kind...” Any perspective on the positive side would do. I just needed to break the cycle of affirming, visualizing, and expecting negative things to happen.
If I saw a car accident on the road, I visualized the whole scene becoming perfectly whole again, the people happy and safe. What did it do for them? I can only imagine the influence might have been small, given free will and their own thought habits, but what it did for me was change my inner experience in the moment, while adding to a growing foundation of positive expectations in MY life.
Thoughts and expectations are powerful creative forces. I had to break the self-induced hypnotic spell of negativity that I had created throughout my life and start blazing a higher path.
There was no more room for playing the victim here. I had to take my destiny into my own hands.
This decision eventually led to creating The Blessing Transformation Meditation to provide a focus on which to enrich my life from this day forward by blessing the full range of areas in my life from the personal to the universal.
By doing so my life began to improve with each minute of focus on a single area of my life and sending a blessing to it so it would reflect back to me something good, regardless of the nature of my life at the time or the memories at play inside.
Here’s how it changed my life, little by little each day, with detectable improvements in how I felt and how that opened new doors of opportunity, intuitive abilities, healing powers, and a gradual transformation in all areas of health, spiritual development, prosperity, and a knowing of the ultimate good that is characteristic of the New Earth now forming rapidly across this planet.
The Transformation Begins...
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Simply add the free Blessing Transformation Digital Audio, Audio Transcript and 1 page PDF Download to Cart and checkout (no credit card needed), and an email with the download link for the zip file will be sent to your inbox (or check your junk mail).
Once the eBook on The Blessing Transformation is published, the audio discussion of the process will be updated as well. The 2010 version is still applicable, though much of the wording in the 2024 Blessing Transformation Meditation will differ somewhat.
In the meanwhile, stay tuned for both the eBook and the video discussions of this simple, yet powerful process to be announced.
The Blessing Transformation eBook. (Not yet out, but coming soon!)
If you experience any difficulty call the office at 888-325-1475, Mon-Fri 10 AM to 4 PM Pacific Time for assistance.
Many blessings of health, abundance, and success!
Michael King
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