Vitality Herbs & Clay is a private membership organization. Your participation within this site is protected by your Eternal Law right to privacy and freewill choice - - 541-482-9633 or 888-325-1475
Vitality Herbs & Clay is a private membership organization. Your participation within this site is protected by your Eternal Law right to privacy and freewill choice - - 541-482-9633 or 888-325-1475
The truth is, not a single product, natural or otherwise (including every one mentioned on this site) is capable of healing the human body. Neither a herb, a clay, a vitamin or mineral supplement, a seaweed or algae, an organic food, nor any other substance is capable of healing the body. In every instance, the body will take the nutrition given it, break it down into millions of pieces...
View, print or download a PDF copy of the Vitality Herbs and Clay Retail Catalog Price list and Ingredients & Usage:
VHC Catalog - Price List - Jan-7-25.pdf for printing.
VHC Catalog - Ingredients & Usage 3-18-25.pdf for printing.
Product orders may be placed online,
or by calling the office 10-4 M-F Pacific Time:
(541) 482-9633 or (888) 325-1475.
All of our formulas are made only with CGW ingredients (consciously grown without chemicals, certified organic or wildcrafted).
Referencing the hydrothermal influences from underground aquifers that helped form this clay, AquiTerra (rather than Aquaterra) is composed primarily of kaolinite clay with a mix of other clays along with a small amount of ormus clay, all naturally occurring during its formation.
AquiTerra has a mild taste with a subtle caramel flavor, primarily used for facials, skin blemishes, rashes, or cuts.
Internally this clay can be slowing to the bowels in amounts over a teaspoon, so it is best reserved for loose bowel applications, or combined with Ancient Mineral Blend to offset this effect. It is not recommended internally for those with constipation.
Ingredients: AquiTerra Clay
Recommended Use:
External use: Mix 2 parts clay to 1 part water or oil. Apply to skin 1/8-1/4 inch (3-6 mm). Leave on for 20 minutes or as long as desired (even overnight).
Internal use:1 teaspoon (4 capsules) in the morning or midday and again just before bed for purposes of slowing the bowels.
High-Level Use: 1 tablespoon (12 capsules) morning and evening. 9 oz is a one month supply at 1 tablespoon per day for purposes of slowing the bowels in extreme cases.
Precautions: If you are on prescription medications do not take this clay internally without the advice of your healthcare provider, then separate the clay and meds by at least 1 hour before or after. This is due to clay’s powerful ability to cleanse petrochemicals, heavy metals and poisons out of the body.
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