10 Ways to Shape the Content of Your Future
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CC-What We Know is Possible Determines Our Destiny
1) Bless Your Past, Present & Future (What we give goodness to will reveal the gift it has held all along)
2) Remember the True Nature of Life (Unconditional Love = Unconditional Innocence, Infinite Creative Freedom & Loving Presence)
3) Modify Your Mistakes with Love
4) Breathe Until You Enter into Stillness & Peace
5) Define the Future of Your Preference (A well-defined vision establishes a clear blueprint)
6) Question What You Now Believe to be True (Your destiny unfolds only to the degree that you know it to be true - for you)
7) Clarify Your Vision, Concentrate Your Focus (Discern where your resistance is and modify it with love)
8) Breathe Until You Enter into Stillness & Peace
9) Develop New Skills, Modify Your Lifestyle (Remember, our lives improve to the same degree that we improve)
10) Act Only From a Place of Clarity & Certainty (The inner always gives shape to the outer - be inwardly clear before you act)
Natural Wisdom & Real World Answers
(Video & Transcript)
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